All you need is love (Luke 10:1-29), Jan 10, 2015

Today’s background scripture comes from Luke 10:1-29

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You who are My adopted children have a mission to perform. Like the 70 I sent out to all the villages to announce the arrival of God’s kingdom, I’m sending you. It’s a simple message with a simple command. Love one another.

I’m not sure the Beatles’ interpretation was right, but their words were right when they made their hit song “All You Need Is Love.” Unfortunately, the world misuses the word today. They misunderstand love and think of it only as an emotion to fill their own base desires. But love is so much more. Love is why I wrapped Myself in flesh and gave Myself as a sacrifice for you. Love is why I endured the cross for You. Love is why a mother or father will give all, including life itself for their children.

Love is all you need, but it is My love you need. And it is your love others need and I want. Not the emotional drivel that poses as love in the world, but action that demonstrates real care and concern for humankind. Love that shows your compassion for others. Love that lets them know you tending the sick, feeding the hungry, visiting those imprisoned by life’s circumstances constitute your parts of your schedule, not just your language.

As you go out into the world with My message, you’ll find some people are not easy to love, but that is My command. Love them anyway. I died for them. And in the church, love each other. Get rid of your petty arguments and love. Do you have to agree with each other all the time? No, but you must love each other. Don’t let disagreements turn to gossip or dissension or anger. Love with My love. Encourage each other. Carry each others’ burdens. Help each other grow in faith and grace and love. Teach others what it means to become Christlike, not by your words, but by your actions.

Love Me with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor like you love yourself.

Ready – Luke 10:1-29
Set – Genesis 25; Luke 10
Go! – Genesis 25-26; Psalms 6; Luke 10

Luke 10:1-29)
The Lord then recruited and deployed 70 more disciples. He sent them ahead, in teams of two, to visit all the towns and settlements between them and Jerusalem. 2 This is what He ordered.

Jesus: There’s a great harvest waiting in the fields, but there aren’t many good workers to harvest it. Pray that the Harvest Master will send out good workers to the fields.

3 It’s time for you 70 to go. I’m sending you out armed with vulnerability, like lambs walking into a pack of wolves. 4 Don’t bring a wallet. Don’t carry a backpack. I don’t even want you to wear sandals. Walk along barefoot, quietly, without stopping for small talk. 5 When you enter a house seeking lodging, say, “Peace on this house!” 6 If a child of peace—one who welcomes God’s message of peace—is there, your peace will rest on him. If not, don’t worry; nothing is wasted. 7 Stay where you’re welcomed. Become part of the family, eating and drinking whatever they give you. You’re My workers, and you deserve to be cared for. Again, don’t go from house to house, 8 but settle down in a town and eat whatever they serve you. 9 Heal the sick and say to the townspeople, “The kingdom of God has come near to you.”

10 Of course, not every town will welcome you. If you’re rejected, walk through the streets and say, 11 “We’re leaving this town. We’ll wipe off the dust that clings to our feet in protest against you. But even so, know this: the kingdom of God has come near.” 12 I tell you the truth, on judgment day, Sodom will have an easier time of it than the town that rejects My messengers.

13 It’s going to be bad for you, Chorazin! It’s going to be bad for you, Bethsaida! If the mighty works done in your streets had been done in the cities of Tyre and Sidon, they would have been moved to turn to God and cry out in sackcloth and ashes. 14 On judgment day, Tyre and Sidon will have an easier time of it than you. 15 It’s going to be bad for you, too, Capernaum! Will you be celebrated to heaven? No, you will go down to the place of the dead.

16 Listen, disciples: if people give you a hearing, they’re giving Me a hearing. If they reject you, they’re rejecting Me. And if they reject Me, they’re rejecting the One who sent Me. So—go now!

17 When the 70 completed their mission and returned to report on their experiences, they were elated.

Seventy: It’s amazing, Lord! When we use Your name, the demons do what we say!

Jesus: 18 I know. I saw Satan falling from above like a lightning bolt. 19 I’ve given you true authority. You can smash vipers and scorpions under your feet. You can walk all over the power of the enemy. You can’t be harmed. 20 But listen—that’s not the point. Don’t be elated that evil spirits leave when you say to leave. Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

21 Then Jesus Himself became elated. The Holy Spirit was on Him, and He began to pray with joy.

Jesus: Thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth. Thank You for hiding Your mysteries from the wise and intellectual, instead revealing them to little children. Your ways are truly gracious. 22 My Father has given Me everything. No one knows the full identity of the Son except the Father, and nobody knows the full identity of the Father except the Son, and the Son fully reveals the Father to whomever He wishes. 23 (then almost in a whisper to the disciples) How blessed are your eyes to see what you see! 24 Many prophets and kings dreamed of seeing what you see, but they never got a glimpse. They dreamed of hearing what you hear, but they never heard it.

25 Just then a scholar of the Hebrew Scriptures tried to trap Jesus.

Scholar: Teacher, what must I do to experience the eternal life?

Jesus (answering with a question): 26 What is written in the Hebrew Scriptures? How do you interpret their answer to your question?

Scholar: 27 You shall love—“love the Eternal One your God with everything you have: all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind”—and “love your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus: 28 Perfect. Your answer is correct. Follow these commands and you will live.

29 The scholar was frustrated by this response because he was hoping to make himself appear smarter than Jesus.

Scholar: Ah, but who is my neighbor?

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.

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