God’s grace is enough (2 Corinthians 12:1-10), Apr 12, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
Set – 1 Samuel 13; 2 Corinthians 12
Go! – 1 Samuel 13; 1 Chronicles 2-3; 2 Corinthians 12

2 Corinthians 12:1-10
1Boasting like this is necessary, but it’s unbecoming and probably unavailing. Since you won’t hear me any other way, let me tell you about visions and revelations I received of the Lord.

2 Fourteen years ago, there was this man I knew—a believer in the Anointed who was caught up to the third heaven. (Whether this was an in- or out-of-body experience I don’t know; only God knows.) 3-4 This man was caught up into paradise (let me say it again, whether this was an in- or out-of-body experience I don’t know; only God knows), and he heard inexpressible words—words a mortal man is forbidden to utter. 5 I could brag about such a man; but as for me, I have nothing to brag about outside my own shortcomings. 6 So if I want to boast, I won’t do so as a fool because I will be speaking the truth. But I will stop there, since I don’t want to be credited with anything except exactly what people see and hear from me. 7 To keep me grounded and stop me from becoming too high and mighty due to the extraordinary character of these revelations, I was given a thorn in the flesh—a nagging nuisance of Satan, a messenger to plague me! 8 I begged the Lord three times to liberate me from its anguish; 9 and finally He said to me, “My grace is enough to cover and sustain you. My power is made perfect in weakness.” So ask me about my thorn, inquire about my weaknesses, and I will gladly go on and on—I would rather stake my claim in these and have the power of the Anointed One at home within me. 10 I am at peace and even take pleasure in any weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and afflictions for the sake of the Anointed because when I am at my weakest, He makes me strong.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

Never ask to be like someone else unless you ask to be like Christ. You never know the shoes someone else must wear or the burdens they must bear despite the face you might see from day to day in public. Paul is a good example.

I hear many of My disciple say, “If only I could be like Paul, then I could overcome the obstacles in my path and become what God wants.” It’s not true. If you can’t become what I want of you as you are, you could never carry Paul’s burdens and become what I want of you. I allowed Paul to get a glimpse of heaven for a reason. I knew what lay ahead of him. I knew the road he would take to spread My word to distant lands and become the spokesman for developing the theology on which My church stands.

But with that vision of heaven came unbelievable burdens that few can carry. He endured more hardship than the twelve disciples. Yes, some were martyred for their faith in cruel ways. So was he. He was also beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, and carried what he called a thorn in the flesh for many years. I’ll let you ask him about it when you see him in heaven some day.

It’s true of everyone you see. The perfect life is never so perfect as it might seem. There are always things not told. Burdens My followers carry silently upheld by the knowledge I am with them through their deepest problems. The pain is real. The suffering is often intense. The longing for relief is there, too. But, like Paul, they know that My grace is enough. They will make it through and can count their burdens as part of their weakness and recognize that I am there. They can boast that I am the reason for their strength and success in their weakness.

So, never wish you could be like someone else. My grace is sufficient for you, just as it is sufficient for them. But I can guarantee that you do not want to trade lives with anyone. It won’t be what you think…ever. Just know that I’m enough…always.

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