God put you where He wants you (Philippians 1:12-26), June 11, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Philippians 1:12-26
Set – Song of Songs 8; Philippians 1
Go! – Song of Songs 5-8; Philippians 1

Philippians 1:12-26
12 I have good news, brothers and sisters; and I want to share it. Believe it or not, my imprisonment has actually helped spread the good news to new places and populations. 13 Word has spread through the ranks of the imperial guard and to everyone else around me that I am in prison because of my faith in the Anointed One. 14 My imprisonment has instilled courage in most of our brothers and sisters, so they are trusting God more and have been even more daring as they speak the good news without fear.

15-17 I am well aware that some people out there are preaching the message of the Anointed One because of jealousies and rivalries. Their motives aren’t pure. They’re driven by selfish ambitions and personal agendas, hoping somehow to add to my pain here in prison. And I also know there are others who are preaching the Anointed from true goodness, motivated by love. They wish me the best because they know I’m here in prison in defense of the gospel.

18 So what do we do then? Listen. What matters is that in every way, regardless of the motives—whether pure or shady—the great story of the Anointed is a cause for joy. I will continue to rejoice 19 because I know that through your encouragement and prayers and through the help of the Spirit of Jesus the Anointed, I will soon be released from this dark place. 20 I don’t expect that dishonor and shame will plague me in any way, but I do hope that I will continue to be able to speak freely and courageously about Jesus, and that now and forever the Anointed One will be glorified and placed above all else through this body of mine—whether I live or die. 21 For my life is about the Anointed and Him alone. And my death, when that comes, will mean great gain for me. 22 So, if it’s His will that I go on serving here, my work will be fruitful for the message. I honestly wouldn’t know how or what to choose; 23 I would be hard-pressed to decide. I lean toward leaving this world to be with the Anointed One because I can only think that would be much better. 24 To stay in this body of flesh—even with all its pains and weaknesses—would best serve your needs. 25 Now that I think of it, I am sure of this: I would prefer to remain to share in the progress and joy of your growing belief. 26 When I return to you, we will celebrate Jesus the Anointed even more.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

I know you sometimes don’t understand why I place you in the situations you’re in. I know you sometimes at least want to complain about the pain and suffering you endure in life. But Paul learned in every situation to be content. The reason he learned that lesson is because of the outreach his situation provided in reaching others.

You don’t know the impact your life has on those who watch you from a distance. You often don’t notice the people who observe your situation and watch how you go through your suffering still able to give Me praise and glory even in times when it might seem difficult to do so. You don’t know the number of people who talk about your strength in times you should be at your weakest.

Paul understood the impact he had on the imperial guard when word came back to him about the number of soldiers talking about him from those who visited him. Friends and others guards asked about his faith, his spirit, his ability to endure in such harsh surroundings. His answer always came back to My Spirit living in him.

Would Paul rather be released to preach freely among the many churches he help found across Asia Minor? Certainly. But I had other plans for him. And because of his faith in these trying times, Paul had the time and resources to write his many epistles that survived the centuries and became the foundational documents for the doctrine of the church. He codified the message I wanted spread so you would have a chance to read it for yourself.

What would have happened had Paul been set free? How many letters would you miss had Paul not been imprisoned? How would the doctrine have survived had I not allowed the Jews to force his plea to Rome for justice? Paul still didn’t understand the full ramification of his imprisonment. He saw how his message spread to the guards, but never envisioned his letters would reach to you…but I did.

Never second guess My decision to put you where you are. I have reasons for your position in life. Just understand, like Paul, you have an opportunity to witness for Me to those around you. From your witness incredible things can happen. Whether you introduce Me to one person or thousands, the message remains vital to the spread of My name. I placed you where you are today for a reason. Don’t let today go by without knowing your role right now is important to Me.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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