Trust Me! (Genesis 12), Jan 5, 2015

The background today comes from Genesis Chapter 12.

Monotheism, worship of Me, grew up from Abram, whose name I later changed to Abraham. The Hebrews, Christians, and Muslims all came from his progeny. Too many people look at Abraham as someone with a special dose of religious power and give him much more credit than is due him. Abraham was like most of the other men of his day with one exception. He, like Noah, did what I asked him to do, even when it didn’t make much sense to him.

I had a plan for him. I started the plan with his father, but his father stopped his travels before he crossed the barren territory to the land I wanted to give a chosen leader. Abraham continued that journey when I called him out of Ur to a land he didn’t know. A land he would never own personally. While alive, Abraham traveled its length and breadth, but never settled in it to own more than the gravesite of his wife Sarah, the cave of Machpelah.

As you study Abraham’s life, you’ll see he feared for his life and lied to the Pharaoh, allowing his wife taken into the Pharaoh’s harem. He didn’t trust Me to give his wife children so he bore children through Sarai’s maid and later through concubines. All those children became enemies of Israel. Abraham sometimes lied. Sometimes lost his temper. Sometimes failed to listen to Me. Sometimes failed to trust Me. Sometimes did things you would consider abhorrent sins. Yet over time, Abraham grew to become one of the most revered leaders of all the monotheistic religions.

So what was it about Abraham? Why do we think he is so special? I think there are xx reasons.
– He is the patriarch of the major monotheistic religions
– He was the one with whom I made My covenant through which to bless all nations
– He wasn’t always right, but he always made things right when he failed Me
– Mostly, Abraham believed I would do what I said I would do; he had great faith in Me, more than in himself

That’s what made Abraham great. Trusting Me more than man. Trusting Me more than himself. Like Noah, Abraham believed in Me and did what I asked him to do, despite the opposition or the ridicule it brought him. He trusted Me with his possessions and with himself.

Ready – Genesis 12
Set – Genesis 12; Luke 5
Go! – Genesis 12-14; Luke 5

Genesis 12
One day, the Eternal One called out to Abram.

Eternal One: Abram, get up and go! Leave your country. Leave your relatives and your father’s home, and travel to the land I will show you. Don’t worry—I will guide you there. 2 I have plans to make a great people from your descendants. And I am going to put a special blessing on you and cause your reputation to grow so that you will become a blessing and example to others. 3 I will also bless those who bless you and further you in your journey, and I’ll trip up those who try to trip you along the way. Through your descendants, all of the families of the earth will find their blessing in you.

4-5 Without any hesitation, Abram went. He did exactly as the Eternal One asked him to do. Abram was 75 years old when he left Haran. He took with him his wife Sarai, his brother’s son Lot, all of their possessions, and all of the persons they had acquired for their household while in Haran; and they all set off toward the land of Canaan. When they reached Canaan, 6 Abram kept going through it to a sacred place called Shechem where the oak of Moreh stood. (At this time, the Canaanite people were living on this land, so Abram could not take it as his own.) 7 There the Eternal appeared to Abram.

Eternal One: I am going to give this land to your future generations.

So, out of honor and respect, there Abram built an altar table to the Eternal One, who had appeared to him and spoken these words of promise. 8 After that, Abram traveled on to the hill country east of Bethel, and there he pitched a tent and made a home for himself and his family between Bethel in the west and Ai in the east. Here Abram built another altar table for the Eternal One, where he called upon the name of the Eternal frequently. 9 Then Abram journeyed south toward the Negev region.

This is the southernmost part of the land God promises to give Abram. One day his children will possess it.

10 Now at this time, there came a severe famine in the land of Canaan. Food was scarce, so Abram made his way to Egypt to live there for a while as a foreigner. 11 As Abram was about to enter Egypt, he pulled Sarai his wife aside.

Abram: Sarai, you are a very beautiful woman, and I am well aware that 12 when the Egyptians see you, they will say, “Look, she’s his wife”; then they will kill me and let you live so they can have you for themselves. 13 Tell them you are my sister so that nothing will happen to me because of you. In this way you can save my life.

14 So when Abram came into Egypt with Sarai and his family, the Egyptians did indeed see that Sarai was very beautiful. 15 And when Pharaoh’s officials saw her, they told Pharaoh just how beautiful she was. So Sarai was taken into Pharaoh’s house and made part of his harem. 16 She pleased the Pharaoh, so he treated Abram very well, giving him gifts of sheep, oxen, male donkeys, male and female servants, female donkeys, and camels. 17 But the Eternal One was not pleased and began afflicting the Pharaoh and his household with skin diseases because of what was happening to Sarai, Abram’s wife. 18 So Pharaoh summoned Abram to come before him.

Pharaoh: What have you done to me? Why didn’t you tell me this woman was your wife? 19 Why did you say she was only your sister, so that I felt free to take her to be one of my wives? Here she is—take your wife, and get out of here!

20 And Pharaoh gave his men orders to make sure Abram went on his way along with his wife and all of his belongings.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.

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