Unmatched Faith (Luke 7:1-10), Jan 7, 2015

Today’s background scripture comes from Luke 7:1-10

I hoped My chosen people would accept Me as the Messiah when I came to them. I found few who believed in Me. Many followed Me to see what miracle I might perform next. They wanted to see water turned to wine or the blind see or the lame walk. Many in those crowds thought the same thoughts I hear from crowds around some of the faith healers today.

“It’s just a show.”
“He had that man planted in the crowd.”
“I think I saw that same woman in the crowd at the last meeting.”
“If He really is the Messiah, why do the Pharisees want to do away with Him? He must be a fraud.”

I know frauds exist today to make money in My name. They will pay for their sins. But I still work miracles just as I did 2,000 years ago. I still look for those who believe in Me, not for the next trick they hope to see, but because they know “I Am.” Reading My word and seeing My work on earth should convince you I am who I say. If that is not enough, the stories tell of the miracles I performed. If that is not enough, My Spirit more than makes up for any story, vision, miracle, or anything else anyone could do to convince you. My Spirit in you provides the assurance I am the Messiah, God incarnate.

The centurion whose servant fell ill believed in Me. He weighed the evidence from the reports he received as his soldiers policed the villages and towns around Capernaum. He knew the scriptures My people should have known. He studied them to better understand the people he must help control in occupied Israel. And when the Jewish leaders asked Me to heal his servant, the centurion sent a messenger to Me understanding My power and authority over disease as the Messiah. He believed in Me and knew distance, like time, meant nothing to God.

Believe! That’s My desire for you in this new year. Just believe. Stretch your faith and understand that I am able. Period. You might not always like the answer I give you, but I will always answer in a way that brings Me glory and is best for you. You will sometimes not understand now, but one day you will. Trust Me! Believe in Me!

Ready – Luke 7:1-17; Psalms 3
Set – Genesis 18; Psalms 3; Luke 7
Go! – Genesis 18-19; Psalms 3; Luke 7

Luke 7:1-17; Psalms 3
Luke 7:1-17
Jesus shared all these sayings with the crowd that day on the plain. When He was finished, He went into the town of Capernaum. 2 There, a Centurion had a slave he loved dearly. The slave was sick—about to die— 3 so when the Centurion heard about Jesus, he contacted some Jewish elders. He sent them to ask Jesus to come and heal his dear slave. 4 With great emotion and respect, the elders presented their request to Jesus.

Jewish Elders: This man is worthy of Your help. It’s true that he’s a Centurion, 5 but he loves our nation. In fact, he paid for our synagogue to be built.

6 So Jesus accompanied them. When they approached the Centurion’s home, the Centurion sent out some friends to bring a message to Jesus.

Message of the Centurion: Lord, don’t go to the trouble of coming inside. I am not worthy to have You come under my roof. 7 That’s why I sent others with my request. Just say the word, and that will be enough to heal my servant. 8 I understand how authority works, being under authority myself and having soldiers under my authority. I command to one, “Go,” and he goes. I say to another, “Come,” and he comes. I say to my slave, “Do this,” and he obeys me.

9 Jesus was deeply impressed when He heard this. He turned to the crowd that followed Him.

Jesus: Listen, everyone. This outsider, this Roman, has more faith than I have found even among our own Jewish people.

10 The friends of the Centurion returned home, and they found the slave was completely healed.

11 It wasn’t long after this when Jesus entered a city called Nain. Again all of His disciples accompanied Him, along with a huge crowd. 12 He was coming near the gate of the city as a corpse was being carried out. This man was the only child and support of his widowed mother, and she was accompanied by a large funeral crowd.

13 As soon as the Lord saw her, He felt compassion for her.

Jesus: Don’t weep.

14 Then He came to the stretcher, and those carrying it stood still.

Jesus: Young man, listen! Get up!

15 The dead man immediately sat up and began talking. Jesus presented him to his mother, 16 and everyone was both shocked and jubilant. They praised God.

Funeral Crowd: A tremendous prophet has arisen in our midst! God has visited His people!

17 News of Jesus spread across the whole province of Judea and beyond to the surrounding regions.

Psalm 3
1 Eternal One, my adversaries are many, too many to count.
Now they have taken a stand against me!
2 Right to my face they say,
“God will not save you!”

3 But You, Eternal One, wrap around me like an impenetrable shield.
You give me glory and lift my eyes up to the heavens.
4 I lift my voice to You, Eternal One,
and You answer me from Your sacred heights.

5 I lie down at night and fall asleep.
I awake in the morning—healthy, strong, vibrant—because the Eternal supports me.
6 No longer will I fear my tens of thousands of enemies
who have surrounded me!
7 Rise up, O Eternal One!
Rescue me, O God!
For You have dealt my enemies a strong blow to the jaw!
You have shattered their teeth! Do so again.
8 Liberation truly comes from the Eternal.
Let Your blessings shower down upon Your people.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.

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