My plans will happen (Exodus 2:1-10), Jan 21, 2015

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Today’s Devotional

Today’s background scripture comes from Exodus 2:1-10.

I work My will in ways that seem impossible to you. Pharaoh ordered the death of all Hebrew boys. His soldiers continually went through the land spying out homes to capture and kill each male infant to keep the population under control. His daughter knew the orders well. Disobeying the Pharaoh could mean death to any who disobeyed. His daughter, if caught, would not necessarily find any solace from the Pharaoh. He and the people considered his law as coming from god himself.

Moses’ mother could never imagine Pharaoh’s daughter would look with favor on her son. Nor could she imagine she would become a paid nurse to raise her own son until he passed beyond his toddler years. Nor could she imagine her son would grow up in the palace of the Pharaoh and become heir to the throne or become the leader of the Hebrew nation, taking them out of bondage. Moses’ parent could never imagine his future.

Pharaoh’s daughter could not imagine the future of this Hebrew child she rescued. She had compassion on him in that basket that day. She saw thousands of Hebrew children killed before this day, but she had compassion on this one and wanted this particular one rescued from the future her father planned for him. She wanted a new future for this little boy. I made it possible for her to convince her father to let him live when she brought him into the palace. Moses adopted him as her own and he lived and trained as one of the grandsons of Pharaoh.

I watched after him because I had something special in mind for him. He had choices to make along the way and didn’t always make the right ones. I didn’t intend for him to kill the Egyptian. That wasn’t My plan. But his escape into the desert afterward let Me humble him like I humbled Joseph in the prisons of Egypt. Moses’ choices changed his pathway, but it still came around to the plan I had for him because My plan will always be carried out.

I am God and can work My will in ways you cannot see. None of the players in the drama of Exodus 2 understood their part as it unfolded. But they played their parts because I moved in their hearts. Moses’ mother wanted desperately to save her son and did it the only way she could think might work. Pharaoh’s daughter saw enough death. She desired to see life and took compassion on this one child on this one day. Miriam stood by faithfully watching over her brother. My plans will happen as I foretell them.

So when Jesus told His followers, “Be ready for My return.” You can be sure that I will send Him back to you. My plans will happen.

Today’s Scripture

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Exodus 2:1-10
Set – Exodus 2; Luke 21
Go! – Exodus 1-2; Psalms 88; Luke 21

Exodus 2:1-10
1One day a man and woman—both from the tribe of Levi—married. 2 She became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that her son was healthy and beautiful, she feared for his safety; so she kept him hidden from view for three whole months.

3 When she could no longer keep him hidden away, she took a basket made of reeds, sealed it with tar and pitch, and placed her baby boy in it. Then she wedged the basket among the reeds along the edge of the Nile River.

4 All the while, the child’s sister watched from a distance to see what might happen to her baby brother.

5 Later on Pharaoh’s daughter came down to bathe in the river while her young attendants walked along the bank nearby. Pharaoh’s daughter noticed the basket wedged among the reeds and wondered what it might contain. So she instructed her maid to bring it to her. 6 When Pharaoh’s daughter opened the basket, she found the baby boy. He was crying, and her heart melted with compassion.

Pharaoh’s Daughter: This is a Hebrew child.

Child’s Sister (coming out of her hiding place): 7 Would you like me to find a Hebrew woman to nurse the child for you?

Pharaoh’s Daughter: 8 All right. Go find a nurse.

So the baby’s sister went and fetched his mother. The boy’s mother approached Pharaoh’s daughter.

Pharaoh’s Daughter (to the nurse): 9 Here! Take this child and nurse him for me, and I will pay you for your services.

So the woman took the child—who was secretly her own son—and nursed him just as Pharaoh’s daughter had instructed.

10 The boy grew, and when the time was right, the woman brought him to Pharaoh’s daughter, and she adopted him as her own. She named him Moses because, as she explained, “I took him out of the water.”

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
Music by the Booth Brothers from Room for More, “Faithful One” ©2008.
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