Society doesn’t think much of God’s wisdom (Psalm 19), Feb 4, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Psalms 19
Set – Psalms 19; Acts 11
Go! – Exodus 37-38; Psalms 19; Acts 11

Psalms 19
1 The celestial realms announce God’s glory;
the skies testify of His hands’ great work.
2 Each day pours out more of their sayings;
each night, more to hear and more to learn.
3 Inaudible words are their manner of speech,
and silence, their means to convey.
4 Yet from here to the ends of the earth, their voices have gone out;
the whole world can hear what they say.
God stretched out in these heavens a tent for the sun,
5 And the sun is like a groom
who, after leaving his room, arrives at the wedding in splendor;
He is the strong runner
who, favored to win in his race, is eager to face his challenge.
6 He rises at one end of the skies
and runs in an arc overhead;
nothing can hide from his heat, from the swelter of his daily tread.
7 The Eternal’s law is perfect,
turning lives around.
His words are reliable and true,
instilling wisdom to open minds.
8 The Eternal’s directions are correct,
giving satisfaction to the heart.
God’s commandments are clear,
lending clarity to the eyes.
9 The awe of the Eternal is clean,
sustaining for all of eternity.
The Eternal’s decisions are sound;
they are right through and through.
10 They are worth more than gold—
even more than abundant, pure gold.
They are sweeter to the tongue than honey
or the drippings of the honeycomb.
11 In addition to all that has been said,
Your servant will find, hidden in Your commandments, both a strong warning
and a great reward for keeping them.
12 Who could possibly know all that he has done wrong?
Forgive my hidden and unknown faults.
13 As I am Your servant, protect me from my bent toward pride,
and keep sin from ruling my life.
If You do this, I will be without blame,
innocent of the great breach.
14 May the words that come out of my mouth and the musings of my heart
meet with Your gracious approval,
O Eternal, my Rock,
O Eternal, my Redeemer.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

David really knew how to write songs, didn’t he? I love to listen to his poems and prayers and songs. They come from his heart. He’s never afraid to tell Me what he thinks. Whether he wants to praise Me or doubts Me, it comes out in the words he pens. He’s honest and open with Me. He lets himself be vulnerable as he expresses his inmost thoughts to work through the darkest days and the brightest days of his life.

I especially like the middle part of this song. A lot of people don’t realize the truth of these words, but David did. My law turns people around and instills wisdom in open minds. If you’ve asked Me to forgive your sins and let Me take charge of your life, you know how true that first part really is. I do turn lives around. I break the shackles of the guilt sin brings into life. I give your life new meaning and purpose. I change things for you. And My word is full of wisdom. Not many people live by My rules consistently, but those that do, know wisdom pours from the pages of My Book like water flows over Niagara Falls.

Society doesn’t think much of My wisdom, but then society never made a star or a planet or a person or even a rock…from nothing. Society can’t keep their own from arguing, cheating and fighting and killing each other. Society doesn’t know what peace looks like or sounds like or feels like. Society claims it knows what love is about, but if it did, divorce rates wouldn’t hit 50% where there are marriages and living together to “see” if couples love each other wouldn’t happen.

You see, I don’t care much what society thinks of My wisdom. One day every man, woman, boy, and girl will bow to Me whether they say they believe in Me or not. They will when I come back. All will bow before Me. Until that day comes, David had it right with the closing words of his song, though. I hope his words are your words, too. More people should live by them. It would keep them out of trouble. Remember them?

“May the words that come out of my mouth and the musings of my heart meet with Your gracious approval, O Eternal, my rock, O Eternal, my Redeemer.”

Now there is a bit of wisdom for you today.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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