Did you say that was boring? (Exodus 39/32-43), Feb 5, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Exodus 39:32-43
Set – Exodus 39; Psalms 15
Go! – Exodus 39-40; Psalms 15; Acts 12

Exodus 39:32-43
32 All the work that went into the sanctuary of the congregation tent was finally finished. The Israelites did everything exactly as the Eternal One had instructed Moses.

33 Then the Israelites brought all they made to Moses. They brought the tent and all its furnishings, including its hooks, frame panels, crossbars, posts, and bases; 34 the layers of red-dyed rams’ skins and the sea-cow skin that covered the sanctuary; the veil shrouding the most holy place; 35 the covenant chest with its poles and the seat of mercy; 36 the table, its tools, the bread of the Presence; 37 the gold lampstand, its lamps and all its tools, the lamp oil; 38 the golden altar of incense, the anointing oil and the scented incense; the fabric screen for the tent’s entrance; 39 the bronze altar for burnt offerings, the bronze grating, its poles and tools, the basin and its stand; 40 the panels that enclose the courtyard, the posts and bases, the screen that covers the court’s entrance, the cords and pegs; and all the tools used in the sanctuary of the congregation tent, 41 the finely woven clothing for priests serving in the holy place, the sacred garments worn by Aaron the high priest, and the clothes his sons are to wear when they serve as priests as well. 42 The Israelites completed each part of the project exactly as the Eternal One had instructed Moses.

43 Moses inspected every piece of work they had completed, and he saw that they had done it all with excellence according to the specifications given to Him by the Eternal One. So Moses blessed them.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

Sometimes you might wonder why I asked Moses and others to put so much detail in descriptions that can seem pretty boring to you. I know it’s been millennia since anyone stepped foot into the covenant tent that housed the articles described in these verses. Why would I want anyone to include the detail about the hooks on the poles and the sea lion skin coverings? What do you care about 4,000-year old bronze altars, screens, pans, shovels, and grates?

For one thing, the detail was important to the purity of the religion I established through Moses and Aaron. The Israelites would soon enter a land filled with pagan icons and idols, sacrifices to false gods, and abominable practices that would entice them away from the worship of Me, the only True and Living God. The preparation of the intricate handiwork required to build My tabernacle kept them focused on Me instead of the pagan gods they encountered in their wanderings.

Second, the instruments and implements noted in the building of the tabernacle showed the Israelites I am a God of order, not chaos. It showed them through the fabrication of all the things involved in the feast days, sacrifices, and worship that I had a unique plan laid out for them. Everything pointed to their past and their future and your future as you consider the placement of the furniture in the sign of a cross, the instrument of crucifixion that would later become the symbol of life.

Third, it allowed those with talents I had given them to share those talents with others and with Me. Moses inspected every item, every implement, every piece of cloth, every article that would soon find its way into its place for caring for My tabernacle and the ways I told him to carry out their means of worship. Every item he inspected he declared as excellent in workmanship. Everyone involved in the project gave their best for the project.

So, what might seem boring to you at first reading, stop and think again. Lessons can be learned there. Keep your eyes on me, not on the world’s idea of gods around you. Remember I have a plan for you just as much as I had a plan for the Israelites 4,000 years ago. And don’t forget I gave you talents to use for Me and for others. Don’t hoard them. You can do things that no one else can do. So get to it and do it with excellence.

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