He has a plan for you (Numbers 19:15-23), Feb 21, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Numbers 9:15-23
Set – Numbers 9; Acts 28
Go! – Numbers 8-9; Acts 28

Numbers 9:15-23
15 When the congregation tent was finally erected and assembled, the cloud of the presence of God covered it and the place where the terms of the covenant were kept. In the dark of night, the presence of God looked like a fire and marked the spot until morning. 16 And so it continued—cloud cover by day, and something like fiery storm clouds at night. 17 Whenever the cloud lifted up, the Israelites would pack up and move, and wherever the cloud stopped, they would settle. 18 This is how the Eternal One indicated when the Israelites should travel and where they should set up camp. As long as the cloud stayed still over the congregation tent, the Israelites also stayed at their tents. 19 When the cloud remained many days over the tent, the Israelites stayed there and served the Eternal. 20 When the cloud remained only a few days, they did the same. They always followed the command of the Eternal, whether staying or leaving. 21 Sometimes it happened that the cloud remained in place only through the night. So, in the morning, they would get going again. Day or night, in this manner they went as God directed. 22 Whether it was a couple of days or just a month or even longer, however long the cloud covered the tent, the Israelites stayed put; but when it lifted, off they went again. 23 So it was that the Israelites obeyed God’s command. When the Eternal One indicated that they stop, they stopped; when He directed them to move, they moved. They served Him exactly as God commanded them through Moses.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

I had a plan for the Israelites. I guided them with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. I directed them through the wilderness and let them know when and where they were to travel through the movement of that cloud. I remained as a visible presence to them in those early days of the formation of their nation. They needed that visible symbol of my presence to solidify their faith in Me. For forty years they saw the cloud always present before them.

I have a plan for you, too. You won’t see Me in a pillar of fire or a cloud necessarily. You might see me in a newly born baby or in the fresh falling rain. You might see Me in the middle of a storm or during the loss of a loved one. You might understand My plan as you contemplate a single verse or a specific chapter of My word. But I have a plan for you. And that plan will not necessarily lay out in nice neat blocks to give you a pattern for the rest of your life.

You see, My plans for humankind always involve the interaction of one person with another to introduce the lost to My Son for their redemption. So I might use you at a moments notice to be that one to share the message to one of My lost sheep. You might be at just the right place and just the right time to say the right words to make a difference in someone’s life for good. Someone did it for you one day and it’s always right to pay it forward to someone else.

Begin to look around you today for an opportunity to share the message that there is a Savior who died for you and for each and every person on the earth. He died, but He rose again to demonstrate His power over death and the grave and sin. He sacrificed Himself that your sins can be forgiven. It only takes asking in repentance. Letting Him become the Lord of your life. And you can enjoy eternal life with Me.

I have a plan for you just as I did for the Israelites. Follow it and you’ll find eternal rewards ahead.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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