Talk about your faith (Mark 8:27-38), Mar 1, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Mark 8:27-38
Set – Numbers 28; Mark 8
Go! – Numbers 28-29; Mark 8

Mark 8:27-38
27 As He traveled with His disciples into the villages of Caesarea Philippi, He posed an important question to them.

Jesus: Who do the people say that I am?

28 They told Him about the great speculation concerning His identity.

Disciples: Some of them say You are John the Baptist,[a] others say Elijah, while others say one of the prophets of old.

Jesus (pressing the question): 29 And who do you say that I am?

Peter: You are God’s Anointed, the Liberating King.

Jesus: 30 Don’t tell anyone. It is not yet time.

31 And He went on to teach them many things about Himself: how the Son of Man would suffer; how He would be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and scribes; how He would be killed; and how, after three days, God would raise Him from the dead.

32 He said all these things in front of them all, but Peter took Jesus aside to rebuke Him.

Jesus (seeing His disciples surrounding them): 33 Get behind Me, you tempter! You’re thinking only of human things, not of the things God has planned.

34 He gathered the crowd and His disciples alike.

Jesus: If any one of you wants to follow Me, you will have to give yourself up to God’s plan, take up your cross, and do as I do. 35 For any one of you who wants to be rescued will lose your life, but any one of you who loses your life for My sake and for the sake of this good news will be liberated. 36 Really, what profit is there for you to gain the whole world and lose yourself in the process? 37 What can you give in exchange for your life? 38 If you are ashamed of Me and of what I came to teach to this adulterous and sinful generation, then the Son of Man will be ashamed of you when He comes in the glory of His Father along with the holy messengers at the final judgment.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

There are no closet Christians. Jesus put it in the right words. If you are ashamed of carrying the message He came to share to a lost and dying world, He will be ashamed of you when He comes to take His bride away at the final judgment. You do not want to find yourself in that predicament at the judgment. You want to know you are the right side of the dividing line when you stand before Him.

It’s interesting to see how few of those who call themselves Christian today fail to talk about Me to their friends or family. My name comes up and they get embarrassed to speak My name. They talk about everything under the sun…except Me. People will talk about sports or cars, fashion or flings, but when something about church or the Bible comes up, Christians mouths suddenly close and nothing comes out. Not a word is uttered about Me to those who need Me most.

Some talk about Me within the confines of their small group at church, but most are hesitant to share what I’m doing in their life even then. What is it about telling others the hope that you have because of Me that causes such angst? Why can you talk about other aspects of your life but you can’t talk about the most important part? After all, it’s your spiritual life that determines your eternity. If you’re ready to face eternity because you’ve accepted the gift of forgiveness through faith in Jesus; if you’ve followed His teaching and not been ashamed of Him; if you love Me with your whole self and love others like you love yourself; then, why wouldn’t you tell someone and bring them along with you?

Read the stories of the New Testament. No one kept their new found faith secret. Why do “Christians” today seem to do so? Maybe the answer is they wear the name but don’t have the experience. Maybe they haven’t really come to the place of real repentance. Maybe it’s just a moniker for them and they haven’t counted the cost of taking up the cross and really living for Christ. Maybe their silence means they really aren’t My children after all. I know the difference between those wearing a name and those adopted into My family. Don’t think I’m fooled.

Can you keep quiet about your faith? Maybe it’s time to take a good look at who you believe. If you believe in Me, you can’t keep quiet. I forgive. I give hope. I give peace. I provide. I sustain. I comfort. I AM. When you put your faith in Me, you have to tell others. You have to share what I do for you. I provide a joy that can’t be contained. It spills out to those around you and others know you are different by the love you share. That’s what it means to wear the name Christian.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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