What is prayer and fasting, really? (Mark 9:14-29), Mar 2, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Mark 9:14-29
Set – Numbers 30; Mark 9
Go! – Numbers 30-31; Mark 9

Mark 9:14-29
14 When they reached the rest of the disciples, Jesus saw that a large crowd had gathered and that among them the scribes were asking questions. 15 Right when the crowd saw Jesus, they were overcome with awe and surged forward immediately, nearly running over the disciples.

Jesus (to the scribes): 16 What are you debating with My disciples? What would you like to know?

Father (in the crowd): 17 Teacher, I have brought my son to You. He is filled with an unclean spirit. He cannot speak, 18 and when the spirit takes control of him, he is thrown to the ground to wail and moan, to foam at the mouth, to grind his teeth, and to stiffen up. I brought him to Your followers, but they could do nothing with him. Can You help us?

Jesus: 19 O faithless generation, how long must I be among you? How long do I have to put up with you? Bring the boy to Me.

20 They brought the boy toward Jesus; but as soon as He drew near, the spirit took control of the boy and threw him on the ground, where he rolled, foaming at the mouth.

Jesus (to the father): 21 How long has he been like this?

Father: Since he was a baby. 22 This spirit has thrown him often into the fire and sometimes into the water, trying to destroy him. I have run out of options; I have tried everything. But if there’s anything You can do, please, have pity on us and help us.

Jesus: 23 What do you mean, “If there’s anything?” All things are possible, if you only believe.

Father (crying in desperation): 24 I believe, Lord. Help me to believe!

25 Jesus noticed that a crowd had gathered around them now. He issued a command to the unclean spirit.

Jesus: Listen up, you no-talking, no-hearing demon. I Myself am ordering you to come out of him now. Come out, and don’t ever come back!

26 The spirit shrieked and caused the boy to thrash about; then it came out of the boy and left him lying as still as death. Many of those in the crowd whispered that he was dead. 27 But Jesus took the boy by the hand and lifted him to his feet.

28 Later He and His disciples gathered privately in a house.

Disciples (to Jesus): Why couldn’t we cast out that unclean spirit?

Jesus: 29 That sort of powerful spirit can only be conquered with much prayer [and fasting].

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

Jesus spent time on the mountain with Peter, James and John where they witnessed His transfiguration. They saw His glory. They saw Him talking with Elijah and Moses in the brilliance of His heavenly appearance. They knew without a doubt at that point He was truly God incarnate. Now as He returned, He encounters the evil of the world again. His other disciples tried to exorcise a demon from a child possessed since birth without success.

Jesus speaks only a few words and the spirit obeys without hesitation. It leaves the boy and never returns. The crowd is in awe of the power of this man, Jesus, who has power over the evil spirits that no one else can control. They obey His every word. No one can control the behavior of the child, controlled by this demon, until Jesus steps on the scene. Then the demon bows to the power of the King of kings. When asked why they could not exorcise the demon, Jesus gives a simple but profound answer.

“That sort of powerful spirit can only be conquered with much prayer and fasting.” What does He mean, though? What kind of prayer and fasting is necessary to do this kind of work?

Jesus demonstrated His prayer life to the disciples every day. Paul talked about being in a constant state of prayer. Does He mean to stay on our knees constantly? Does He intend for us to remain at the church altar and pour out our voice to God in a continual stream of words? The answer is a resounding no. Remember Jesus said I am not interested in long prayers with flowing words. He gave His disciples a very simple formula for prayer.

But Jesus was in a constant state of prayer. He remained in tune with Me. He had His ear always focused to hear the slightest whisper from Me so He could respond to My commands. He read and learned the scriptures so He knew My heart. He knew from His head and His heart what I expected from those who follow Me. Jesus shared His heart, but He also listened and learned. Prayer is a two-way conversation. It involves sharing both directions. Sharing with Me your inmost feeling, hurts and joys, and listening to Me as I share My wisdom with you.

On the other hand, fasting involves giving up something to remind you to spend time with Me. So the time you would spend doing whatever you give up, spend with Me in focused prayer. Sometimes the fasting I see from you is laughable. Giving up an item and telling everyone about it, but then going about your life as if it is a great burden to give up that one thing. That’s not what fasting is about. It’s about finding time for Me. It’s about giving up something for Me.

The fasts in the Bible meant meals didn’t have to be prepared and eaten. That meant hours were freed to focus on Me in prayer, that two-way conversation with Me. I’m not sure the 1-minute microwave meal is quite the same today. Where can you find real time to spend with Me? What can you give up to find solid space in your day to focus on your relationship with the One who matters most to you? It’s about finding Me and letting Me teach you how to live more abundantly.

What will you give up for Me in the days ahead?

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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