God changes people (Galatians 1:11-24), Mar 10, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Galatians 1:11-24
Set – Deuteronomy 14; Galatians 1
Go! – Deuteronomy 13-15; Galatians 1

Galatians 1:11-24
11 Know this, dear brothers and sisters: the good news I brought to you isn’t the latest in fiction or the product of some creative mind. 12 It is not a legend I learned or one that has been passed down from person to person, ear to ear. I was gifted with this message as Jesus the Anointed revealed Himself miraculously to me. 13 Surely you are familiar with my personal history, with my dedication to the teachings and traditions of Judaism. I persecuted the church of God—in fact, I meant to destroy it. 14 I excelled in the teachings of Judaism far above other Jewish leaders, and I was zealous to practice the ways of our ancestors. 15 But God—who set me apart even before birth and called me by His grace—chose, to His great delight, 16 to reveal His Son in me so I could tell His story among the outsider nations. I didn’t confer with anyone right away, 17 nor did I go to those who were already emissaries in Jerusalem. I went straight to Arabia and later returned to Damascus.

18 After living this adventurous mission for three years, I made my way to Jerusalem and spent 15 days with Cephas, whom you know as Peter. 19 But I didn’t see any emissary other than James, our Lord’s brother. 20 (You can be certain that what I am offering you is an authentic account. Before God, it’s the whole truth—I wouldn’t lie.) 21 Later I journeyed to Syria and Cilicia; 22 and since I had spent so little time in Judea among the churches of the Anointed One, no one there could pick me out of a crowd. 23 But stories of my call and mission preceded me: “The very man who wanted to kill us all is now preaching the faith he once labored to destroy.” 24 And so they praised God for the miracle He did in my life.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

The story of Paul’s conversion is well known. How I met him on his way to Damascus to persecute My followers there. How I blinded him and showed him what he was doing to My church and the people who knew the truth about Me. Paul changed in that encounter. There is something to remember in what happens after that first encounter, though, that many forget today.

The story Luke tells Theophilus jumps pretty quickly from the Damascus road experience to events with Peter and the other disciples. When he picks up the story of Paul again, it talks about Barnabas being sent from Jerusalem to Tarsus to find him. Then the two of them spent a year in Antioch before they embarked on their first missionary journey to establish churches across Asia Minor.

That time frame is important. Paul spent those three years in Arabia learning about Me. He poured over all the scriptures he learned during his tutelage under Gamaliel, one of the most renowned rabbis in Israel, to see how I fit the prophecies and discovered for himself that I was indeed the long awaited Messiah. He made sure his Damascus Road experience wasn’t just a dream, but that all I told him was true.

The next thing Paul began to do was discover My mission for him. He listened when I said I would have him telling others about Me, so he wanted to prepare himself well. Paul didn’t wait to talk about his experience or what I had done for him, but he also didn’t start his missionary journeys right away either. Paul wasn’t ready to take on the task of becoming the theologian for Me through his letters to the churches yet.

Paul needed to spend time with My word and absorb who I am and what I had done for him so he could adequately argue before the leaders of the synagogues and the temple. It didn’t stop him from witnessing of his experience during those three years. Many saw the change in him. But he needed preparation before he turned his attention to the pulpit to begin planting churches across the countryside.

There is the difference in many new Christians today. I want you to get up from the altar and tell others about what I have done for you. I want you to express the joy and freedom from the guilt of sin that you receive when you accept My gift of forgiveness and salvation. But I also want you to prepare diligently to share better to those you might meet who would try to dilute My word or twist it for their own pleasure.

Look at the history of the scriptures. It’s message hasn’t changed since Moses began sharing My laws with the Israelites 4,000 years ago. The message is still the same. The right and wrong of the commandments still hold true. Life and love and devotion to Me are still the hallmarks of the behavior I want you to internalize and display for everyone you meet. I will meet out justice when the time is right. You don’t need to worry about that. Instead, love others into My kingdom. That’s what I did when I walked the earth. That’s how others will know you are My followers, by your love for each other and for My creation at large. All of it. Love others into My kingdom.

That also doesn’t mean you agree or condone the behaviors of others. I detest evil more than you. I am holy. I always have been holy and always will be holy. I cannot bear evil in My presence. But I still love all of humankind I created. I still love the world and all that is in it. I don’t like what man has done to it, but I still love man. That’s why I died to save you. That’s why I made provision to pay the penalty for sin you could not pay.

Share your story immediately with all who will hear you. Learn My story. Read about it in My word. Study it with faithful followers. Prepare to incorporate it into your life in ever deeper realms until it engulfs every part of you. Then be prepared to share it with anyone and everyone who has ears to hear.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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