Politically privileged around a long time (Deuteronomy 17:14-20), Mar 11, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Deuteronomy 17:14-20
Set – Deuteronomy 17; Galatians 2
Go! – Deuteronomy 16-18; Psalms 38, Galatians 2

Deuteronomy 17:14-20
Moses: 14 Once you’ve gotten into the land the Eternal your God is giving you, and you’ve conquered it and settled there, you may say to yourselves, “Let’s appoint a king to rule our country, just as all the nations around us have!” 15 If you do have a king, remember you must enthrone the king He chooses. It must be a fellow Israelite whom you enthrone; you must not enthrone a foreigner who is not a fellow Israelite. 16 Although an Israelite, he must not try to build a strong army by collecting large herds of horses for his cavalry troops and a chariot corps. The king must certainly not send people back to Egypt to get large herds of horses, because the Lord has commanded you, “Don’t ever go back that way again!” 17 This king must not have many wives. If he takes foreign wives in marriage alliances, they could turn his heart away from the Lord and lead him to worship foreign gods. And the king must not accumulate great quantities of silver and gold for himself.

18 As soon as this king takes the royal throne, he must write out a copy of this law for himself on a scroll with the Levitical priests looking on. 19 He must keep this copy with him and read it every day, so that he will learn to fear the Eternal his God and to obey everything in the law and remember all these regulations very carefully in order to do them. 20 That way he won’t think he’s privileged and oppress and exploit his fellow Israelites. He won’t deviate at all from what the Eternal has commanded, and he and his descendants will rule over Israel in a long dynasty.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

I see a problem growing up in almost every nation around the world. It’s the problem of the politically privileged. Those in power, whether by election or decree, who think themselves above the law of the land. They exempt themselves from the rules everyone else must follow. They hold themselves above the law since they think they created it. What they don’t realize is just how precarious they stand in their positions.

You see, lawmakers don’t create the law. I did. Centuries ago I determined humankind needed relationships to survive. Those relationships meant order must reign within households and among families. To keep order, those families must establish rules and those common rules within and among families became laws. Laws I taught the first families who walked the earth. Those rules have been handed down through the generations until now. When people keep them, there is peace and order and society advances and grows. When people decide to create their own laws to advance one sector or one people over another, society falters.

I’m the one who allows those troublemakers to hold their positions. But I allow them to hold those positions and create trouble because the people across the nation have forgotten Me. When I am not lifted up in the home and My principles do not become a way of life for the family, the selfish nature of humankind jumps out and those politically privileged make promises to the weak that can never be kept. So they seek their own advancement and forget about the promises made. They forget about how they found themselves in their position. They forget Me.

It happened in Israel. King Saul started the problem. He built an army around him. He gathered horses and chariots. King David, one of My favorite kings, married foreign wives to keep peace. King Solomon gather more silver and gold than any other king before or after him. The line of kings in Israel just followed their lead and continued to act the part of the politically privileged until I destroyed the nation. Then their priests did the same until I had to come in the flesh and show humankind what a farce Israel’s religion had become.

There is a solution to the politically privileged. Make My word required reading for every person in power. Elect only those who truly believe in Me. Not those who say they do, but those whose actions demonstrate it. Take away the laws that do not conform to My word or pass the filter of the Great Commandment: “Love Me with all your heart, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

Is it possible to turn political privilege around? It is possible. But it will take a great revival in this and many other countries around the world. I have told you in My prophecies time will come to an end when certain things happen. Look around. Most already have passed by. The rest could happen very quickly or I could continue to take My time about coming back. It’s partly up to you. How much do you want revival in the land? Are you willing to pay the price for it? It won’t be easy. But all things are possible for those who believe in Me.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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