God specializes in the impossible (2 Samuel 5:1-16), Apr 29, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – 2 Samuel 5:1-16
Set – 2 Samuel 5; Psalms 139
Go! – 2 Samuel 4-5; Psalms 139; Matthew 16

2 Samuel 5:1-16
1Then all the tribes that made up the people of Israel came to David at Hebron.

Leaders of Israel: We are all related: we are flesh of your flesh, bone of your bones. 2 When Saul was king, you always led the army of Israel out and then brought it back safely. The Eternal said to you, “You will be the shepherd of My people Israel, the ruler over all of them.”

3 All the leaders of Israel came before the king there at Hebron. So King David made a covenant with the leaders there before the Eternal, and they anointed David king over all Israel. 4 David was 30 years old when he first became king, and he was king for 40 years; 5 he reigned in Hebron over Judah alone for 7½ years, and then he reigned over the united kingdom of Judah and Israel for 33 years.

6 At one point, David and his army marched to Jerusalem to fight the Jebusites who lived there. The Jebusites felt secure behind their walls and were sure David could not enter into the city. They jeered, “Even the blind and the lame could defend this city against you.” 7 Despite the taunts, David and his army managed to capture the fortress of Zion, which became the city of David.

David (to his army): 8 If you want to strike down the Jebusites—these blind and lame defenders whom I hate—then go through the water tunnel.

(From this exchange came the saying, “The blind and the lame cannot enter the house.”)

9 Once David captured the fortress, he stayed there and named it the city of David. He built it up all around, carefully terracing the hillside from the Millo inward. 10 And David continued to grow in power and reputation because the Eternal God, Commander of heavenly armies, was with him.

11 King Hiram of Tyre sent diplomats to David with cedars and carpenters and masons to build David a palace.

12 David realized then that the Eternal One had established him as king over Israel and that He was increasing David’s kingdom in power and majesty for the sake of His people Israel.

13-14 After the move from Hebron to Jerusalem, David married more women from Jerusalem, took more concubines, and fathered more sons and daughters: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon, 15 Ibhar, Elishua, Nepheg, Japhia, 16 Elishama, Eliada, and Eliphelet.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

The Jebusites became comfortable in their fortress atop the mountain. Armies had tried for decades to take the city, but no one could penetrate the city. The sides of the mountain were too steep. The passages to the city were too narrow to launch any kind of massive siege against it. The Jebusite leaders maintained confidence in their ability to hold off any enemy as they had done for many years.

However, the Jebusites didn’t know David had Me on his side. Nothing is impossible for Me. I created that mountain. I knew how the Jebusites got their water. I knew about the springs that tunneled through the mountain and I knew they were big enough for a warrior to slip through them. The Jebusites didn’t know the tunnels were that large. They didn’t know enough of an army could slip through to open the gates for David’s mighty men.

They also let themselves get soft in their false security. Because they were sure no one could get through their defenses, the Jebusites didn’t prepare to fight. They thought even their lame and blind could defend their gates, so why spend time training to fight another army? But again, they forgot I was with David and his men.

They forgot David killed Goliath. They forgot David’s famous mighty men killed tens of thousands of Philistines before the nation crowned him king in Hebron. The Jebusites didn’t consider that if just a few of those men made it into their fortress, they would wreak havoc on the city and hundreds or thousands could die before those few could be silenced by their best warriors.

Mostly, the Jebusites failed to consider I fought for David and I never lose. I’m in the business of doing the impossible and if those opposed to Me think I can’t do something, I sometimes do it just to show them I can. I had a purpose in mind for that mountain top, though. I not too many years, I would let David’s son build a Temple there. David recognized the importance of the location as a political center and military stronghold. I saw it as a center for worship. I would show David many things from the top of that mountain.

So what fortress seems impossible for you to burst through? What enemy seems impossible to defeat? What mountain seems impossible to climb? Remember, I made the universe out of nothing. I make oak trees out of acorns. I made you. I’m in the business of doing the impossible. Your mountain fortress of problems is nothing to Me. Let Me help.

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