God is there for you (Psalm 71), May 9, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Psalms 71
Set – Psalms 71; Matthew 26
Go! – 2 Samuel 17; Psalms 71; Matthew 26

Psalms 71
1 I have found shelter in You, Eternal One;
I count on You to shield me always from humiliation and disgrace.
2 Rescue and save me in Your justice.
Turn Your ear to me, and hurry to deliver me from my enemies.
3 Be my rock of refuge where I can always hide.
You have given the order to keep me safe;
You are my solid ground—my rock and my fortress.
4 Save me from the power of sinful people, O my God,
from the grip of unjust and cruel men.
5 For You are my hope, Eternal One;
You, Lord, have been the source of my confidence since I was young.
6 I have leaned upon You since I came into this world;
I have relied on You since You took me safely from my mother’s body,
So I will ever praise You.
7 Many find me a mystery,
but You are my rock and my shelter—my soul’s asylum.
8 My mouth overflows with praise to You
and proclaims Your magnificence all day long.
9 Do not set me aside when I am old;
do not abandon me when I am worn out.
10 For my enemies often voice evil against me;
those who desire to kill me plot together in secret.
11 They say, “God has abandoned him;
let’s go after him right now and seize him.
There’s no one around to rescue him.”
12 God, stay close by me.
Come quick, O my God, and help me!
13 May my enemies be covered in shame and then die;
may those who seek to harm me
be overwhelmed with contempt and disgrace.
14 But I will keep hope alive,
and my praise to You will grow exponentially.
15 I will bear witness to Your merciful acts;
throughout the day I will speak of all the ways You deliver,
although, I admit, I do not know the entirety of either.
16 I will come with stories of Your great acts, my Lord, the Eternal.
I will remind them of Your justice, only Yours.
17 You have taught me since I was young, O God,
and I still proclaim the wonderful things You have done.
18 Now as I grow old and my hair turns gray,
I ask that You not abandon me, O God.
Allow me to share with the generation to come
about Your power;
Let me speak about Your strength and wonders
to all those yet to be born.
19 God, Your justice stretches to the heavens,
You who have done mighty things!
Who is like You, O God?
20 You have made me see hard times: I’ve experienced many miserable days,
but You will restore me again.
You will raise me up
from the deep pit.
21 You will greatly increase my status
and be my comfort once again.
22 I will praise You with music played on a harp
because You have been faithful, O my God.
I will sing praises to You with the lyre,
O Holy One of Israel.
23 I will shout for joy
as I sing Your praises;
my soul will celebrate because You have rescued me.
24 All day long I will declare how Your justice saved me,
for those who have plotted to bring me harm
are now ashamed and humiliated.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

Hard days come because you live in a sin-scarred world. I didn’t intend for the world to become as evil as it has. It’s a consequence of creating humankind with moral choice. You can choose whether you serve Me. The result of not doing so makes life harder for everyone. As I’ve mentioned before, sin reaches much farther than just the one committing the sin. It affects families, friends, co-workers, everyone the perpetrator touches.

The psalmist and many of My followers found a secret with Me, though. Despite the hardship of the days, I still provide shelter from the storms of life. I provide inner peace that those around them cannot understand or explain. But My followers understand. They know that I am with them and in the end, I will rescue them. I bring hope to the hopeless. I bring healing to the incurable. I bring peace in the storms of life. I bring calm in the midst of trouble.

I’ve noticed something missing today among many of My followers, though. In days gone by, I would hear generations telling the next generation what I had done. I heard from the lips of My followers the exploits of My mercy and grace demonstrated in their lives. I heard about My interventions at just the right time to remind them I am their God and there is no other beside Me.

Today there is silence. My stories don’t seem to get passed from generation to generation. Do you not see Me at work in your life anymore? I’m there. Are you ashamed of Me? Are you afraid? Are you embarrassed? What excuse to you give for not sharing the ways in which I aid you in life? How will your children know that I am God and your shelter when the storms of life come? Do you expect them to trust some preacher or you more? Where do you want them to go for answers to their problems? Me or the world?

It’s time to share your stories. It’s time to acknowledge Me. It’s time to stand up and be counted in a world that refuses to believe I exist. Let your children know that I am alive and care about them more than anyone else in the world. I will be with them in every circumstance. I died for them. Look for Me each day, then tell your story.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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