What is most important to you? (Psalms 135), May 23, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Psalms 135
Set – Psalms 135; Romans 4
Go! – 2 Chronicles 6-7; Psalms 135; Romans 4

Psalms 135
1 Praise the Eternal!
Praise and glorify the name of the One who always has been and always will be;
praise Him, servants of the Eternal!
2 Join in the chorus, all you who minister in the Eternal’s temple;
in the courts of our God’s temple,
3 Glorify the Eternal, for He is good!
Sing praises, and honor His name for it is delightful.
4 For the Eternal made His choice; He selected Jacob as His own;
He claimed Israel as His possession.
5 Now I know this: the Eternal is great; His power is unmatched.
Our Master is above any so-called god.
6 He does whatever He pleases,
in heaven, on earth,
in the seas, and in all the ocean depths.
7 He draws up the clouds that rise over the whole earth,
He causes rain and the lightning to strike,
and He summons the wind from His storehouses.
8 He took the lives of Egypt’s firstborn,
human and beast alike.
9 O Egypt, He worked wonders and signs before your eyes,
signs against Pharaoh and Pharaoh’s servants.
10 He destroyed nation after nation
and killed mighty kings:
11 Sihon, the Amorite king;
Og, the king of Bashan;
and even all the kingdoms of Canaan.
12 He conquered their land and gave it as an inheritance—
an inheritance for His people, Israel.
13 Eternal One, Your name is everlasting.
Your legacy, Eternal One, will be known through all the ages.
14 For the Eternal will judge His people,
He will show compassion to those who serve Him.
15 The nations have idols of silver and gold,
crafted by human hands!
16 They shaped mouths for them, but they cannot speak;
they carved eyes into them, but they cannot see;
17 They placed ears on them, but they cannot hear;
they cannot breathe, not even a puff of air from their mouths!
18 The artisans who made them
are just like them,
and so are all who mistakenly trust in them, no exceptions.
19 House of Israel, praise the Eternal;
house of Aaron, praise the Eternal;
20 House of Levi, praise the Eternal;
all those who revere the Eternal, praise Him!
21 Blessed be the Eternal from Zion,
the One who has made Jerusalem His home.
Praise the Eternal!

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

The psalmist recognized who I am and what I do in the lives of My people. He calls the people to praise Me for it, a rational response. I want to talk about those he mentions who craft idols, though. The nations around him that craft idols of silver and gold with mouths that can’t talk and eyes that can’t see. They have ears that can’t hear and they cannot breathe. Yet the artisans and the nations that worship these metal idols believe in their power.

I wonder what happens to people’s brains to think that these objects made from their hands have any power in them. How can these pieces of wood, stone, silver, or gold molded into some image do them any good? Can sightless eyes see the trouble you have or the enemies you face? Can ears that do not hear understand the cries of your heart or hear your prayers as you plead for mercy or ask for grace in your times of trouble? Can a statue of wood or stone extend a tender heart and show compassion when you need it?

Today, you say you have become more civil, though. You no longer have idols, but don’t you? Look around and see what has replaced Me in your praise and worship. Sports fields fill with cries of praise instead of My churches being filled with praise. You sit in front of screens for entertainment instead of reading My word and learning of Me or building your relationship with Me. You walk past the hungry and the needy without thought of helping.

You let your thirst for jobs, houses, cars, clothes, money, and things become more important than your thirst for Me. All of these “things” made by man become worshipped more than Me. They replace Me in importance despite the fact they cannot see or hear or speak. You give generously to these things. You spend your time with these things. You worship these things.

When will you discover that these “things” cannot save you or give you the peace you long for in your life? When will you learn that only I can provide the contentment you seek? When will you stop and recognize that love drives the world and My commands to love Me with your whole self and love your neighbor are all you need to do to find real joy in your life?

Use your brain a little and think about what you worship. What is most important in your life? Things that cannot last but swallow your time and resources or Me?

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