What do Roman soldiers and spiritual health have in common? (1 Timothy 4:6-16), June 22, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – 1 Timothy 4:6-16
Set – 2 Chronicles 21; 1 Timothy 4
Go! – 2 Kings 8-9; 2 Chronicles 21; 1 Timothy 4

1 Timothy 4:6-16
6 Place these truths before the brothers and sisters. If you do, you will be a good servant of Jesus the Anointed, raised and fed on words of true belief, trained in the good instruction you have so clearly followed. 7 Reject worldly fables. Refuse old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself toward godliness. 8 Although training your body has certain payoffs, godliness benefits all things—holding promise for life here and now and promise for the life that is coming. 9 This statement is worthy of trust and our full acceptance. 10 This is what we work so hard for! This is why we are constantly struggling: because we have an assured hope fixed upon a living God who is the Savior of all humankind—especially all of us who believe.

11 So go out and insist on these things. Teach them. 12 Don’t let anyone belittle you because you are young. Instead, show the faithful, young and old, an example of how to live: set the standard for how to talk, act, love, and be faithful and pure. 13 Until I get there, make sure to devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, and to teaching. 14 Don’t neglect the gift that was given to you through the prophecy spoken when the company of the elders laid their hands on you. 15 Cultivate all these practices; live by them so that all will see how you are advancing and growing. 16 Take care of yourself, concentrate on your teaching, and stick with these things. If you do, then you will be effective in bringing salvation to yourself and all who hear you.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

When Paul talked to Timothy about training himself toward godliness, no doubt he was in view of some of the Roman warriors as he wrote. The Romans, like all warriors spend hours every week staying in shape and practicing their battle skills. Every army with any military prowess does the same. Almost every soldier for the last four millennia carry about 60 to 70 pounds of equipment on them as they move from place to place on the battlefield. It takes near athletic ability to sustain that level of fitness day after day.

So warriors train. They train hard to keep themselves fit and ready for battle. Paul sees the same requirement for those who would pit themselves against Satan’s warriors. He often uses military metaphors because he lived in lands where soldiers were constantly present. Rome ruled by force. The sight of their strength resided in their soldiers always ready for combat at a moments notice and stationed around the world.

How do you exercise your spiritual muscles? Do you meet with Me every day? Do you read a few verses and pray a few words or do you really have a spiritual workout? Do you dig into My word to see what I’m trying to tell you and how I want you to live each day? Do you actively work to transform your mind to My will and begin to think the way I think?

Do you occasionally push your spiritual muscles to the point of exhaustion so you know are growing and getting stronger? Do you extend your study and your service to the stretching point? Do you go further than you think you can? Do you do more than you think possible? It’s all part of growing your spiritual muscles.

Paul recognized the importance of spiritual exercise or what many call disciplines as an important part of growing and maturing. Remember, if you’re not growing, you’re dying. It’s true with every living organism. Growth is vital to life.

Never be satisfied with where you are in your current relationship with Me. I have so much more for you. But it will take exercise on your part. You need to put some effort into your spiritual health just like you do with your physical and mental health.

Think of what it takes to be that athletic soldier on the battlefield carrying 60 pounds of weapons and equipment. What does it take to stay spiritually prepared for battle? I think you’ll agree it takes a lot more than an hour a week warming a pew listening to a sermon. It’s time to start your exercise program.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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