Who needs help? (1 Timothy 5:3-25), June 23, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – 1 Timothy 5:3-25
Set – 2 Chronicles 22; 1 Timothy 5
Go! – 2 Kings 10; 2 Chronicles 22-23; 1 Timothy 5

1 Timothy 5:3-25
3 Honor widows, but be discerning about which ones are truly widows. 4 If any widow has children or grandchildren, then go to the descendants first and teach them that it is their spiritual responsibility to care for their own family, to repay their parents and grandparents because this is what pleases God. 5 Here’s how you know if she is a true widow: she is all alone with her hope fixed in God, crying her pleas, prayers, and appeals to God day and night. 6 But the woman who is living for pleasure is dead as she stands. 7 You should command these things to everyone to keep them free of blame. 8 And listen, if someone is not providing for his own relatives and especially his own household, then he is denying the faith and is worse off than an unbeliever.

9 Now only these should be put on the widow registry: a woman who is at least 60 years old, was a faithful wife to one husband, 10 is well thought of for her good works, has raised children, was hospitable, has washed the feet of the saints, has tended to the sick and suffering, and has devoted herself to do good wherever possible. 11 Don’t add younger women to the widow roll because when their desires for pleasure overtake them, they get careless in their devotion to the Anointed One. Their constant thoughts become, “I want to get married,” 12 and such thoughts disqualify them because they have tossed aside their first commitment to Him. 13 Plus, they get into the habit of being idle. Not only are they idle, but they band together and roam from house to house, gossiping about and meddling into other people’s business; they talk about all sorts of things that should never be spoken of. 14 That’s why I think it’s best to have the younger widows remarry, have children, and take care of their households so that the enemy gains no opportunity to come with accusations. 15 (Unfortunately some have already lined up behind Satan!) 16 Tell any woman of faith: if you have a widow in your family, help her so the church is unencumbered and is free to extend aid to the widows who are truly in need of its help.

17 Elders who are leading well should be admired and valued. Double up on the honor shown them; care for them well—especially those constantly and consistently teaching the word and preaching. 18 For the Scripture agrees, “Don’t muzzle the ox while it is treading out your grain,” and, “The worker deserves his wages.”

19 Listen, when or if a charge comes against an elder, don’t even acknowledge the accusation unless there are two or more witnesses. 20 Bring any believers who persist in sinning before the community and publicly scold them so that all the rest will know to fear sin and its consequences. 21 I challenge you—in front of God, Jesus His Anointed, and His select heavenly messengers—to keep these instructions. And don’t do anything out of favoritism. 22 Don’t be too quick to lay hands upon anyone or share in the sins of others—stay clean.

23 Concerning your health, Timothy, don’t just drink water; drink a little wine. It is good for your stomach and will help with your frequent ailments.

24 Some people’s sins are clearly on display before the world. They lead the way to the final judgment. But it’s not so easy with other people because their sins trail behind and don’t catch up to them until later. 25 The same is true regarding good works; some are there for all to see. Other people’s works can be inconspicuous; but at the final judgment, they cannot remain hidden.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

You might think shysters exist only today with their shady practices and crafty ways of separating the naive from their belongings, but not so. Paul discovered them in his day, even in the church. And so he warns Timothy about them.

His thoughts included more than just the widows he speaks of, but they become the example he points out to Timothy because of their plentiful appearance at the time. Ephesus lost many of its men to the cities uprising against Rome and so widows were prevalent in the city. Their need was great, but so were their capabilities if they chose to do something about it. Paul saw their ingenuity and work capabilities first hand as he founded the first congregation there with the help of women, many of whom were widows.

So Paul’s admonishment to Timothy doesn’t mean don’t help. I certainly want you to be sensitive to those in need, but I also want people to remain productive themselves. There is joy in work. I created you to need each other, but to continue to be productive as long as possible. Just because a spouse has passed away doesn’t mean the world stops. Just because one job disappears doesn’t mean it’s time to quit. Just because the world says you can retire at a certain age doesn’t mean I want you to quit working.

I have something for everyone to do. Don’t quit. Encourage others not to quit either. Help when you can, but at the same time, require some effort from those you help. Let them understand the enjoyment of accomplishment, of giving back, of a job well done. Helping others to stand on their own gives them confidence, strength, self-worth, things that will sustain them more than the paltry sum or the few items you might put in their hands.

Paul didn’t want you to forget to help others, nor do I. On the contrary, doing good for others is a hallmark of Christlike action. But do so in a way that truly helps those in real need.

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