What does God want you to do? (Isaiah 6), July 3, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Isaiah 6

Set – Isaiah 6; 2 Chronicles 26

Go! – Isaiah 6–7; 2 Chronicles 26–27; Philemon

Isaiah 6
1 In the same year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a grand throne way up high with a flowing cape that filled the whole temple. 2 Bright flaming creatures waited on Him. Each had six wings: two covering its face, two covering its feet, and two for flying. 3 Like some fiery choir, they would call back and forth continually.
Flaming Creatures: Holy, holy, holy is the Eternal, the Commander of heavenly armies!
The earth is filled with His glorious presence!
4They were so loud that the doorframes shook, and the holy house kept filling with smoke.
5 Isaiah: I am in so much trouble! I’m ruined!
I’m just a human being—fallible and stammering.
My lips are encrusted with filth;
and I live among people just like me.
But here I am, and I’ve seen with my very own eyes
none other than the King, the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies.
6 Then one of the flaming creatures flew to me holding a red-hot ember which it had taken from God’s table, the temple altar, with a pair of tongs. 7 The creature held it to my lips.
Flaming Creature: Look! With the touch of this burning ember on your lips,
your guilt is turned away;
All your faults and wrongdoings are forgiven.
8 Then I heard the Lord’s voice.
Eternal One: Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?
Isaiah: Here I am! Send me.
Eternal One: 9 Go to this people and say,
“Keep listening, but do not comprehend;
Keep looking, but do not understand.”
10 Make their hearts hard, their ears deaf, and their eyes blind.
Otherwise, they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears,
Understand with their hearts, and then turn and be healed.
11 Isaiah: How long, Lord?
Eternal One: Until cities are in ruins, the houses sit empty,
and the land has become a wasteland.
12 You see, the Eternal has determined to move the people far away;
place after place will be completely abandoned.
13 And even if just a tenth survive, it will be burned again;
imagine a terebinth or an oak; once it is cut down, the stump remains.
The holy seed remains in the stump.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

I let Isaiah peek into My throne room. He saw what few have seen. He viewed a scene that thrills Me. My seraphs and seraphim surrounding the throne singing and worshiping Me. They cannot help it. All who see Me worship in My presence. They cry out “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God, Almighty.” When you see Me, you will do the same. You won’t be able to resist.

Isaiah saw something else as He peeked into the My throne room. He listened in on a conversation between Me and My angels. I asked a question to which I already knew the answer, but wanted him to realize the answer. It’s always better to let the owner of the task discover the task themselves. So I let Isaiah hear the conversation and he volunteered.

Like many of My followers, Isaiah didn’t know what the task really entailed. He didn’t know the sacrifices he would eventually make. He didn’t know the resistance he would face. Isaiah was ready to tell the world what he saw. He was ready to proclaim whatever I told him to the world. He didn’t realize that few would believe him just like few believe Me.

That’s what I want from those that follow Me, though. I want you to volunteer to do whatever I want you to do. I want you to be like Isaiah. Just say I’ll go before you even know what I’m asking. Be so willing to do anything that you jump up and down with your hand in the air that I’m reminded of the kindergarteners volunteering for their favorite teacher.

My missions will sometimes be tough. But I’ll be with you. Sometimes what I ask of you will seem impossible, but I’m in the business of the impossible. Remember, I created everything from nothing. The impossible is My specialty. People will often hate you for doing what I ask of you. But don’t worry, I will love you and that’s what counts.

Isaiah had a special viewing before I gave him his task. You might not. I still want you to work for Me. Will you do it? Can you stand up the test? Are you man or woman enough?

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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