Justice and wrath, the flip side of mercy and grace, it’s coming (Hebrews 12:14-29), July 16, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Hebrews 12:14-29

Set – Isaiah 24; Hebrews 12

Go! – Isaiah 22-24; Hebrews 12

Hebrews 12:14-29
14 Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness, since no one will see God without it. 15 Watch carefully that no one falls short of God’s favor, that no well of bitterness springs up to trouble you and throw many others off the path. 16 Watch that no one becomes wicked and vile like Esau, the son of Isaac, who for a single meal sold his invaluable birthright. 17 You know from the stories of the patriarchs that later, when he wished to claim his blessing, he was turned away. He could not reverse his action even though he shed bitter tears over it.
18 You have not come to the place that can be touched (as Israel did at Mount Sinai)—to a mountain crowned with blazing fire, darkness, gloom, and a windstorm— 19 or to the blast of a trumpet and the sound of a voice—a voice and message so harsh that the people begged not to hear another word. 20 (They could not bear the command that was given: that if even a beast touches the mountain, it must be stoned. 21 The sight was so terrible that even Moses said, “I am trembling with fear.”)
22 No, instead you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, to the heavenly Jerusalem, to heavenly messengers unnumbered, to a joyful feast, 23 to the assembly of the firstborn registered as heaven’s citizens, to God the righteous Judge of all, and to the spirits of all the righteous who have been perfected. 24 You have come to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant between God and humanity, and to His sprinkled blood, which speaks a greater word than the blood of Abel crying out from the earth.
25 See that you don’t turn away from the One who is speaking; for if the ones who heard and refused the One who spoke on earth faced punishment, then how much more will we suffer if we turn away from the One speaking from heaven— 26 the One whose voice in earlier times shook the earth now makes another promise: “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heavens”? 27 The phrase, “Yet once more,” means that those things that can be shaken will be removed and taken away, namely, the first creation. As a result, those things that remain cannot be shaken. 28 Therefore, let us all be thankful that we are a part of an unshakable Kingdom and offer to God worship that pleases Him and reflects the awe and reverence we have toward Him, 29 for He is like a fierce fire that consumes everything.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

Have you every noticed what happens when My messengers, the angels come to visit the earth? People fall on their face. The ground shakes, earth trembles as they touch the ground. Fire consumes the things they touch. Armies find themselves defeated at the hands of a single messenger of Mine. Men and women are always awed by the power they wield and the magnificence of their presence.

My messengers, though, hold little power compared to Mine. I created each of them, just as I created all else in the universe. All in heaven and earth came about because I spoke it into place. The Israelites glimpsed My power at Mt Sinai in the fire and smoke and thundrous voice as I spoke to them in the desert. They saw a token of My power when I rescued them from their enemies and when I rescued some of My followers, like Daniel and David, from those who tried to destroy them.

Some saw Me create new eyes from a little mud. Some saw Me make limbs straight and whole. Some watched as I raised others from the dead. Some witnessed My power when they saw Me alive and communing with them after a brutal beating and death by cruel crucifixion. When I come again, the earth and heavens will tremble at My coming.

The demonstrations of My power are real. Some will try to tell you My word is only a collection of stories. But you’ll find that as archeologists make new discoveries to try to disprove My word, they only serve to find new evidence that My word is true. The things of the past being true, you can trust My promises for the future are just as true. I’m coming back. Until then, it’s best to do what I ask.

I am a God of mercy and grace, but a time will come, when you will see the other side of grace, justice. Those not for Me are against Me and will feel the wrath I have held back to extend My mercy as long as possible. I am a God of mercy and grace, but I am a holy God. As such, I will deal with those who have not set themselves apart for Me. Remember My words in Hebrews, without holiness, you will not see Me. Take advantage of this era of mercy and grace before I decide it’s time to unleash My wrath. It won’t be long.

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