Learn from the mistakes of the Israelites (Ezra 3:7-13), September 25, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Ezra 3:7-13

Set – Ezra 3; Luke 8

Go! – Ezra 2-3; Luke 8

Ezra 3:7-13
7 Jeshua, Zerubbabel, and their fellow returning expatriates exercised King Cyrus of Persia’s permission to pay masons and carpenters and send food, drinks, and oil to the Sidonians and Tyrians in exchange for a shipment of Lebanese cedar by sea to Joppa.
8 In the second month of the second year after they had begun preparations for the True God’s temple in Jerusalem, Zerubbabel (son of Shealtiel), Jeshua (son of Jozadak), and the priests and Levites and all who had been exiled, began construction of the Eternal’s temple. The Levites 20 years old and older oversaw the construction, 9 and Jeshua and his relatives, Kadmiel and his sons, the descendants of Judah, oversaw the True God’s temple laborers, the descendants of Henadad and their brothers the Levites.
10 After the laborers had laid the Eternal’s temple foundation, the priests and Levites praised the Eternal as their beloved King David of Israel had prescribed. The priests dressed in their vestments and played trumpets, the Levite descendants of Asaph played their cymbals, 11 and together they sang praises and gave thanks to the Eternal.
Priests and Levites: We praise him because He is good and because of His continual and loyal love for Israel.
All the people joined in, shouting praises to the Eternal because the foundation of His temple was complete. 12 But in the midst of those praises, the priests, Levites, and tribal leaders who remembered the first temple wept loudly when they saw it because they knew this temple could never be as grand as Solomon’s. 13 There were shouts of joy intermingled with cries of sorrow, and the entire ensemble grew so loud it could be heard a great distance away.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

Ezra, Zerubbabel, and the others who returned with him to rebuild My temple were pleased they could return and see the construction of My earthly home again. But they wept because of the poor replica this one was compared to the magificence of the temple Solomon constructed from the plans and materials David collected for the first temple. There was little comparison in terms of pure grandure. Remember, I had pilaged the Egyptians when My people escaped from slavery.

A great deal of that gold and silver came back to the temple and became part of the implements of worship. Gold lined the walls of the temple and covered the ceilings. There was so much gold it couldn’t be counted and the silver was as common as stones in Solomon’s day. That was the wealth and prosperity My people gave up when they gave up Me. They lost it all.

The good news, though, is that I brought them back. They left Me, but I made a way to bring them back. Still they didn’t understand that I couldn’t be kept in a building. Ezra and those who returned with him put their heart into getting the construction of the temple underway and getting it completed as fast as they could, but it wasn’t the stones and wood and implements of worship I was really interested in when I brought them back to Jerusalem.

I wanted Ezra and Zerubbabel to return to their homeland to understand I could do anything I pleased. I prophecied their return 70 years earlier. I even gave them the name of the king who would declare their return. Nebuchadnezzar put them into exile, but Cyrus returned them to their home. Babylon seemed undefeatable when they took Judah and Jerusalem into exile, but the Persians were soon to defeat them just as they conquered others. Cyrus sent My people home.

I wanted them to learn I had their lives in My hands. I could do the impossible. I could take care of them if they let Me. I didn’t need the temple, they did. I didn’t need the synagogues, they did. I didn’t need their offerings and their praise, but they needed to give it. It was always that way. I’m God, they were not.

The same holds true today. You can find Me in your churches and synagogues and temples, but you cannot confine Me to those places. I created the universe and all that it contains. I gave you life and will live in you if you let Me. But I cannot be contained. I do the impossible and can do the impossible in your. I can cleanse you of your sin if you trust Me to do so. I want to do so much more for you than you can begin to imagine. But I also demand your worship because I am a holy God and as I told Moses in the desert, I will have no other gods, in fact, nothing else more important in your life than Me.

I want you to learn from the lessons of Ezra and those who accompanied him. Understand I want to bring you back to Me. Know that I cannot be confined in the structure of a place. Worship is what I desire from you. It will come from an outpouring of love for Me when you know Me and understand who I am and what I’ve done for you. Get to know Me and don’t suffer the anguish of the Israelites. Learn from their mistakes.

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