Remember the Sabbath for the right reasons (Luke 13:1-17), September 30, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Luke 13:1-17

Set – Zechariah 8; Luke 13

Go! – Zechariah 7-9; Luke 13

Luke 13:1-17
1 As He said this, some people told Him the latest news about a group of Galilean pilgrims in Jerusalem—a group not unlike Jesus’ own entourage. Pilate butchered them while they were at worship, their own blood mingling with the blood of their sacrifices.
Jesus: 2 Do you think these Galileans were somehow being singled out for their sins, that they were worse than any other Galileans, because they suffered this terrible death? 3 Of course not. But listen, if you do not consider God’s ways and truly change, then friends, you should prepare to face His judgment and eternal death.
4 Speaking of current events, you’ve all heard about the 18 people killed in that building accident when the tower in Siloam fell. Were they extraordinarily bad people, worse than anyone else in Jerusalem, so that they would deserve such an untimely death? 5 Of course not. But all the buildings of Jerusalem will come crashing down on you if you don’t wake up and change direction now.
6 (following up with this parable) A man has a fig tree planted in his vineyard. One day he comes out looking for fruit on it, but there are no figs. 7 He says to the vineyard keeper, “Look at this tree. For three years, I’ve come hoping to find some fresh figs, but what do I find? Nothing. So just go ahead and cut it down. Why waste the space with a fruitless tree?”
8 The vineyard keeper replies, “Give it another chance, sir. Give me one more year working with it. I’ll cultivate the soil and heap on some manure to fertilize it. 9 If it surprises us and bears fruit next year, that will be great, but if not, then we’ll cut it down.”
10 Around this time, He was teaching in a synagogue on the Sabbath, the Jewish day of rest. 11 A woman there had been sick for 18 years; she was weak, hunched over, and unable to stand up straight. 12-13 Jesus placed His hands on her and suddenly she could stand straight again. She started praising God, 14 but the synagogue official was indignant because Jesus had not kept their Sabbath regulations by performing this healing.
Synagogue Official: Look, there are six other days when it’s appropriate to get work done. Come on those days to be healed, not on the Sabbath!
Jesus: 15 You religious leaders are such hypocrites! Every single one of you unties his ox or donkey from its manger every single Sabbath Day, and then you lead it out to get a drink of water, right? 16 Do you care more about your farm animals than you care about this woman, one of Abraham’s daughters, oppressed by Satan for 18 years? Can’t we untie her from her oppression on the Sabbath?
17 As the impact of His words settled in, His critics were humiliated, but everyone else loved what Jesus said and celebrated everything He was doing.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

How easy to get hung up on the words of your traditions and forget the spirit of My laws. I instituted the Sabbath as a day of rest for three reasons. First, I wanted you to stop your normal activities to focus on Me. Spend time together worshiping Me. So I commanded you to set aside the Sabbath to do just that.

Second, I knew that physically you need a day of rest. You cannot go on day after day without taking some time to rejuvenate. Working seven days a week without end will wear out your body, mind, and spirit. You need to stop and rest. The Sabbath gives you that one day a week to stop from your labors and rest.

Third, I knew that unless I forced you to look beyond the every day routine, you would become engrossed in the material things of life instead of looking up to the heavenly. You would become enamoured with the world instead of enamoured with Me. I wanted you to break away from your daily business to spend time with Me in community with others to know the joy of worshiping Me.

The Sabbath is important, but it is important in understanding the importance of relationship and community with Me and others. It’s not about rules, regulations, and traditions. It’s not even about the form of worship you desire or participate in. It’s about Me. It’s about My plan for humanity within a community of believers sharing together in worship and remembering what really matters in this world and the next.

Remember the Sabbath for the right reasons and keep it holy. Set time aside and remember Me.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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