God knows your thoughts (Mark 12:1-12), November 2, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Mark 12:1-12

Set – Job 23; Mark 12

Go! – Job 23-24; Mark 11-12

Mark 12:1-12
1 Then He told a story.
Jesus: There was a man who established a vineyard. He put up a wall around it to fence it in; he dug a pit for a winepress; he built a watchtower. When he had finished this work, he leased the vineyard to some tenant farmers and went away to a distant land.
2 When the grapes were in season, he sent a slave to the vineyard to collect his rent—his share of the fruit. 3 But the farmers grabbed the slave, beat him, and sent him back to his master empty-handed. 4 The owner sent another slave, and this slave the farmers beat over the head and sent away dishonored. 5 A third slave, the farmers killed. This went on for some time, with the farmers beating some of the messengers and killing others until the owner had lost all patience. 6 He had a son whom he loved above all things, and he said to himself, “When these thugs see my son, they’ll know he carries my authority. They’ll have to respect him.”
7 But when the tenant farmers saw the owner’s son coming, they said among themselves, “Look at this! It’s the son, the heir to this vineyard. If we kill him, then the land will be ours!” 8 So they seized him and killed him and threw him out of the vineyard.
9 Now what do you suppose the owner will do when he hears of this? He’ll come and destroy these farmers, and he’ll give the land to others.
10 Haven’t you read the Scriptures? As the psalmist says,
The stone that the builders rejected
has become the very stone that holds together the entire foundation.
11 This is the work of the Eternal One,
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
12 The priests, scribes, temple leaders, and elders knew the story was directed against them. They couldn’t figure out how to lay their hands on Jesus then because they were afraid the people would rise up against them. So they left Him alone, and they went away furious.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

The Pharisees and their cronies have been working behind the scenes to try to get Me alone to kill Me. They think their plans are secret, known only to the select few who plotted My execution by their hands. Since they think My statements blashemous, they certainly cannot understand I know their thoughts and know the plans they laid out for Me. I know they wanted to stone Me in Nazareth. I know they wanted to destroy Me in the Temple on the day I healed the man with the withered hand. I know they wished Me dead when I told the paralyzed man to pick up his mat and walk away on the Sabbath.

I broke their rules and helped people understand what God meant by the laws He gave Moses on Mount Sinai during those forty days on the mountain. I showed those who would listen that God is not just a God of love, but that God is love. His laws help people understand His love by showing you how much you need Him and how much He extends His grace and mercy to you to redeem you. In fact, God gives His greatest gift to redeem you – Himself.

The parable of the vineyard owner let the religious leaders around Me know I knew their thoughts. I didn’t need spies in their camp. I know everything they did and everything they were going to do. You read in the gospels where they tried to take Me several times, but they couldn’t until I let them because until the time was right, I wouldn’t let them. I knew what they were doing at every turn, because I’m God. I knew them better than they knew themselves.

I know you too. I know your thoughts and I know your actions. I know when you are passionate about following Me and when you just play the religious game with your words and actions. I know how you pray and how you listen to Me when I talk to you. I know when you try to do what I tell you and I know when you let Me give you My strength to help you through a task.

You can try to hide what you do, just like the Pharisees tried to hide their schemes from Me, but it won’t work for you, just like it didn’t work for them. They discovered I knew their plots and schemes when I gave them the parable of the killing of the vineyard owner’s son. You know because for 2,000 years you have had the witness of those who followed the truth of My word. Those who believe in Me for salvation can tell you I know their inmost thoughts before and after their salvation. But when you give your life to Me, I can transform your life and you’ll not need to try and hide from Me anymore. You can’t hide, anyway, so just quit trying. Come to Me and live in freedom.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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