The beauty of God’s laws (Psalm 119:1-16) December 5, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Psalms 119:1-16

Set – Psalms 119:1-16; Ephesians 5

Go! – Psalms 119:1-80; Ephesians 5-6

Psalms 119:1-16
1 Happy are the people who walk with integrity,
who live according to the teachings of the Eternal.
2 Happy are the people who keep His decrees,
who pursue Him wholeheartedly.
3 These are people who do nothing wrong;
they do what it takes to follow His ways.
4 You have given us Your precepts
so we would be careful about keeping them.
5 Oh, that every part of my life would remain in line
with what You require!
6 Then I would feel no shame
when I fix my eyes upon Your commands.
7 With a pure heart, I will give thanks to You
when I hear about Your just and fair rulings.
8 I will live within Your limits;
do not abandon me completely!

9 How can a young person remain pure?
Only by living according to Your word.
10 I have pursued You with my whole heart;
do not let me stray from Your commands.
11 Deep within me I have hidden Your word
so that I will never sin against You.
12 You are blessed, O Eternal One;
instruct me in what You require.
13 My lips have told how
You have delivered all Your wise rulings.
14 I have celebrated Your testimonies
as though rejoicing over an immeasurable fortune.
15 I will fix my mind on Your instructions
and my eyes on Your path.
16 I will find joy in Your ordinances;
I will remember Your word forever.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

The psalmist wanted others to understand not just the importance, but the beauty of the laws I gave you. So he put them in the form of a beautiful acrostic poem. This longest book of the Bible tells you a lot about My law. What it is. Why I gave it to you. Why it’s important to follow it. Why it helps you along the path of life. The beauty it holds within its words. The peace you find by following it. The love that grows in your heart when you follow My precepts.

Many think that if you don’t read My word or hear My laws you will be exempt from them. But that isn’t true. You have them available to you so you have no excuse. In fact, in the West, you probably have multiple Bibles in multiple versions in your home. The question is, do you read them? Do you make them an everyday part of your life? The psalmist understood the importance of making My law a part of his heart as he talks about hiding it in his heart so he will not sin against Me. Do you follow his example?

A lot of you think My laws are only there to punish you. You assume I’m looking for reasons to find you guilty of some sin so I can zap you with a lightning bolt or some evil plague. Nothing could be further from the truth. I give you My laws in hopes that you will understand better the holy life I want you to live. I want you to stay away from the things that will destroy your relationship with Me or with your fellowman. I give you My laws to protect you, not to punish you. But Satan has lied to you and made you turn them around to think otherwise. That’s why I came to live with you and show you the beauty of My laws. I didn’t abolish them when I came. I fulfilled them. I glorified them. I put them in your heart so you could abide by them out of love rather then by a sense of duty.

Those who understand My laws in the way the psalmist understood My laws know the benefits that come from learning them. Making them a part of your very thought process as you conduct your daily life. Whether in business, dealing with family and friends, or in conflict with you greatest nemesis, living by My precepts will always be in your best interest. You will come out ahead every time when you abide by My laws.

So don’t put My laws on the shelf. Begin to make them a part of your life. Learn to love them like the psalmist and understand just how important they are to keeping your life pure and spotless not just in My sight, but in the sight of those around you. When you live by My laws, there is little anyone can say negatively against you. Your life will shine with the glory that spills over from serving Me.

Take some time and read Psalm 119 and take to heart what the psalmist says. Discover for yourself what he has learned about Me and My laws. You’ll be surprised at how your life can change when you do.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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