Best man or the groom? (John 3:22-36) December 18, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – John 3:22-36

Set – John 3-4

Go! – John 2-4

John 3:22-36
22 Not long after, Jesus and His disciples traveled to the Judean countryside where they could enjoy one another’s company and ritually cleanse new followers through baptism. 23-24 About the same time, Jesus’ cousin John—the wandering prophet who had not yet been imprisoned—was upriver at Aenon near Salim baptizing scores of people in the abundant waters there. 25 John’s activities raised questions about the nature of purification among his followers and a religious leader, 26 so they approached him with their questions.
John’s Followers: Teacher, the One who was with you earlier on the other side of the Jordan, the One whom you have been pointing to, is baptizing the multitudes who are coming to Him.
John the Baptist: 27 Apart from the gifts that come from heaven, no one can receive anything at all. 28 I have said it many times, and you have heard me—I am not the Anointed One; I am the one who comes before Him. 29 If you are confused, consider this: the groom is the one with the bride. The best man takes his place close by and listens for him. When he hears the voice of the groom, he is swept up in the joy of the moment. So hear me. My joy could not be more complete. 30 He, the groom, must take center stage; and I, the best man, must step to His side.
31 If someone comes from heaven above, he ranks above it all and speaks of heavenly things. If someone comes from earth, he speaks of earthly things. The One from the heavens is superior; He is over all. 32 He reveals the mysteries seen and realities heard of the heavens above, but no one below is listening. 33 Those who are listening and accept His witness to these truths have gone on record. They acknowledge the fact that God is true! 34 The One sent from God speaks with the very words of God and abounds with the very Spirit and essence of God. 35 The Father loves the Son and withholds nothing from Him. 36 Those who believe in the Son will bask in eternal life, but those who disobey the Son will never experience life. They will know only God’s lingering wrath.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin knew about miracles. He was a miracle himself. His mother, Elizabeth told him the story of his birth many times before he began telling the story of his cousin, Jesus. John’s mother trained him well and he knew his mission to herald the coming King, the Messiah, God incarnate. When his followers tried to touch some spot of jealousy for the crowds Jesus began to draw away from him, John’s retort is noteworthy.

John understood his mission as the best man compared to the groom at a wedding. His job was to remain close by, but the bride and groom were the center of attention, not him. John held no jealousy for the notariety Jesus gained at his expense. It was why his mother told him he was born in the first place, to pave the way for the promised Messiah. John fulfilled his mission.

How about you? Do you stand in the shadow of someone? Do you feel jealous toward someone who has taken the limelight you once had? Did you ever consider that I have given that person their mission and I have something else in mind for you? John ultimately found himself in Herod’s prison and beheaded for preaching the truth to Herod and his wife. I probably won’t ask you to await execution for Me, but I might. Are you willing to stand the test for Me? The day might come when you must do just that, you know.

The real issue, I have plans for you that are yours and yours alone. I have plans for those around you that belong to them. I give each person responsibilities and task fit for them. You cannot carry their cross and neither can they carry yours. Together, though, My ultimate plans for this world are completed so that My children find eternal rest in Me and the wicked never plague you again. Instead, as John says, they will experience My wrath.

So, examine your life, your thoughts, your actions. How do you react to those who seem to gain promotions you think you should have? How do you feel about those in the limelight? How do you treat those who get the recognition after you put in the effort? Do you behave as John? Or do you turn green with envy and wish it were you getting the spotlight, the headlines, and the recognition? Beware of what you ask for, you never know what goes along with it. Remember, John was beheaded and Jesus was crucified!

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