Enjoy the peace of Jesus’ legacy (John 14:15-31) December 22, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – John 14:15-31

Set – John 13-14

Go! – John 12-14

John 14:15-31
Jesus: 15 If you love Me, obey the commandments I have given you. 16 I will ask the Father to send you another Helper, the Spirit of truth, who will remain constantly with you. 17 The world does not recognize the Spirit of truth, because it does not know the Spirit and is unable to receive Him. But you do know the Spirit because He lives with you, and He will dwell in you. 18 I will never abandon you like orphans; I will return to be with you. 19 In a little while, the world will not see Me; but I will not vanish completely from your sight. Because I live, you will also live. 20 At that time, you will know that I am in the Father, you are in Me, and I am in you. 21 The one who loves Me will do the things I have commanded. My Father loves everyone who loves Me; and I will love you and reveal My heart, will, and nature to you.
The Other Judas: 22 Lord, why will You reveal Yourself to us, but not to the world?
Jesus: 23 Anyone who loves Me will listen to My voice and obey. The Father will love him, and We will draw close to him and make a dwelling place within him. 24 The one who does not love Me ignores My message, which is not from Me, but from the Father who sent Me.
25 I have spoken these words while I am here with you. 26 The Father is sending a great Helper, the Holy Spirit, in My name to teach you everything and to remind you of all I have said to you. 27 My peace is the legacy I leave to you. I don’t give gifts like those of this world. Do not let your heart be troubled or fearful. 28 You were listening when I said, “I will go away, but I will also return to be with you.” If you love Me, celebrate the fact that I am going to be with the Father because He is far greater than I am. 29 I have told you all these things in advance so that your faith will grow as these things come to pass. 30 I am almost finished speaking to you. The one who rules the world is stepping forward, and he has no part in Me; 31 but to demonstrate to the cosmos My love for the Father, I will do just as He commands. Stand up. It is time for us to leave this place.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

It was so hard to give those final words to My disciples that night. I knew what was coming and wanted to tell them so much more, but I knew they would not understand yet. Time was so short for My human frame. Judas had already left and was going to the priests to give them the sign by which he would identify Me to the soldiers who would take Me away. I knew the brutality of what was ahead. As a man, I feared death. I feared the physical pain I was about to endure. I knew the Father would stay near Me until the end, but I also knew there would come a point at which He must turn His back on Me because I would bear the sins of the world and I must appease the penalty for sin before I could conquer the grave.

I tried to give words of comfort to My disciples and listened to those same words in My humanness. I believed them. I knew them to be true. I was in touch with My Father and knew the splendor of heaven that awaited Me, but I also dreaded the sorrow and pain both My disciples and I would endure in the coming hours. The depth of that conflict between My deity and humanness shows in My garden prayers. I wanted to avoid what was coming if there was any other way to get the Father’s plan accomplished. But His plan is always paramount…always.

So I gave encouragement to those around Me as best I could so they could face the coming trial and perhaps better understand all the events that would happen in the three days that would transpire before they saw Me again. I wanted them to believe and perhaps these words of encouragement would get them through the grief until I could return to them. Then, of course, they would understand. And when My Spirit return, they would have Me in them. They would really begin to comprehend all I said to them and My words would open to them as never before.

I wanted them to know the peace I enjoyed despite the coming trauma. Peace despite the accusations. Peace despite the coming crucifixion. Peace that the world will never enjoy. Peace that I leave as a legacy to all My followers. Peace. The angels who heralded My birth said I would give peace to all people who pleased God. That is My legacy. Enjoy My peace.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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