Forever, firm and resolute (Psalm 119:89-112) December 26, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Psalms 119:89-112

Set – Psalms 117; Psalms 119:81-176

Go! – Psalms 117, 119:81-176; 2 John; 3 John

Psalms 119:89-112
89 Forever, O Eternal One,
Your word stands in heaven, firm and resolute.
90 Your faithfulness endures to every generation;
You founded the earth, and it remains.
91 Everything remains today in keeping with Your laws,
for all things exist to serve You.
92 If I had not found joy in Your guidance,
then I would have died from my misery.
93 I will never forget Your precepts,
for through them You have given me life.
94 I belong to You, Lord; save me
because I have taken care to live by Your principles.
95 The wicked lie in wait, anxious to kill me;
I will set my mind on Your statutes.
96 I have seen the limit of all perfection,
but Your commands are all-encompassing.

97 Oh, how I love Your law!
I fix my mind on it all day long.
98 Your commands make me wiser than my enemies
because they are always with me.
99 I have more discernment than all my teachers
because I study and meditate on Your testimonies.
100 I comprehend more than those who are my elders
because I have kept Your precepts.
101 I have kept my feet from walking the paths of evil
so that I may live according to Your word.
102 I have not neglected Your lessons,
for You, God, have been my teacher.
103 Your words are sweet to my taste!
Yes, they are sweeter than honey in my mouth!
104 I gain understanding from Your instructions;
that’s why I hate every deceitful path.

105 Your word is a lamp for my steps;
it lights the path before me.
106 I have taken an oath and confirmed it:
I pledge to do what You say is right and just.
107 I have suffered terribly, O Eternal One;
give me the life You promised.
108 Please accept the words I offer willingly, O Eternal One,
and instruct me in the ways of Your justice.
109 My soul is continually in danger,
but I do not forget Your teachings.
110 The wicked have laid a trap for me,
but I have not drifted away from Your instructions.
111 Your decrees are forever mine,
for they bring joy to my life.
112 I have committed myself to do what You require
forever and ever, to the very end.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

David understood. He starts this section of his meditation on My law with the words, “Forever, O Eternal One, Your word stands in heaven, firm and resolute.” He knew that despite the convenient changes man might want to make in My laws, they stood firm and resolute from the beginning to the end of time. I came from heaven to live alongside you for a time and told you the same thing. I didn’t come to do away with the law, but to fulfill it.

So many people today want to try to change My laws. They say they are old-fashioned, out-dated. They say My law should keep up with the times. What those folks don’t understand is that I made each person. It’s My miracle that allows birth to happen in the first place. It’s My miracle that allows life to happen on this third planet in orbit around this particular star in your galaxy. It’s My design that keeps all of those things in place so you can enjoy this world at My pleasure.

What you forget is that you haven’t changed. I’ve let you learn more about the place you live. I’ve let you discover more about the way things work so you could enjoy more comfort in life. But your desires basically mimic those of your ancient ancestors. You want a better life for your children. You want to live in safety. You prefer health over sickness, warmth over cold, community over isolation. You have not really changed since I first created humankind.

So the precepts of living I designed for you and passed on through My prophets centuries ago are just as valid today as they were then. Just because you want your selfish ways doesn’t mean they are good for you or for the greater community in which you live. That’s really why I gave you those laws in the first place, to remind you that My way, not yours, is how you will succeed in living in community with Me and with your fellow man.

David understood this concept so well, he closed this section of his psalm with these words, “I have committed myself to do what You require forever and ever, to the very end.” David understood that as long as He followed My rules, life would go well for him. Every time he strayed from the laws I gave his people, he found himself in trouble.

Pay attention to David’s meditation on My laws. Live by them and see if you don’t find yourself enjoying life as much as David did when you follow My ways instead of your own.

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