The Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12) February 1, 2016

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Genesis 16-19

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Today’s Devotional

Matthew 7:12
Jesus This is what our Scriptures come to teach: in everything, in every circumstance, do to others as you would have them do to you.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

We like to turn this around and have others treat us like we want to be treated, but do we really stop and listen to what Jesus teaches us in this short verse? He sums up what love is all about here. Love springs from the scriptures. God is the very essence of love and shares it in the words He leaves us. So Jesus sums up the those teachings in this simple formula. “in everything, in every circumstance, do to others as you would have them do to you.”

We too often think that applies to mercy and justice. When someone hurts us, what would we like done to us? We want mercy, of course, so we should show that person mercy. When someone insults us, our human tendency is to retaliate and do the same, but we stop and listen to this teaching and ask ourself, what would we want done to us, so we don’t insult in return, right? These are good things. I’m not saying stop that self analysis before you react in ways God does not want you to react.

But let’s stop and consider the deeper thought Jesus shared with His listers and with us. Remember He gives instructions that turns us away from selfish motive. He turns us to think of others. He points us toward doing good deeds for the benefit of those we can touch. Demonstrate God’s love through our actions. So if that’s what Jesus has been telling us to this point, He probably means to carry that message through with this tidbit of instruction as well. This command isn’t just about showing mercy. It isn’t about holding off on our vengeance against those that wrong us as we so often want to use this verse.

Jesus give us these words to spark us into action. Listen to those words once more. “In everything, in every circumstance, do to others as you would have them do to you.” So stop for just a minute and think. What would you like someone to do for you today? Would you like someone to tell you, “I love you?” Then find somone and tell them those words and mean it. Would you like someone to compliment your work efforts? Then find one of your co-workers and compliment them.

Would it be nice if someone paid for your gas at the pump? Fill the tank of the next car that pulls up at the pump next to you. Would you like to get flowers? A book you’ve been wanting to read? A meal at a restaurant? A ride somewhere? Just stop and think about what you would want someone to for you today. Then do it for someone else.

Talk about turning the world upside-down. I will tell you that you’ll get some strange looks. People will think you’re weird. Some folks won’t accept you’re gift and you’ll have to go to the next person or convince them you’re not trying to steal their kids or something. You might have an opportunity to tell them the meaning of this great verse.

This verse changes how you look at the world. It changes how you approach each day. It changes how you view your enemies and your friends. It changes your relationships in your family. It turns you into a giver instead of a taker. It forces you to think about others and what you can do for them instead of always looking out for your own interests. It builds community.

Think about what would happen in your office if you and everyone around you began each day with this attitude toward your customers and each other. How would this attitude change your neighborhood? How would this attitude change your church? What would it do to your family? How would things change if everyone began to do things for others in every circumstance that they would want done for themselves?

Do you think we might see doors opened for others again? People giving up their seats in crowded places? Politeness in lines? Words of gratitude to cashiers and customers? Would we start to see people smiling and saying hello to each other again without thinking they’re about to be mugged or sold something they don’t want or surveyed? We would be transported back to a society we haven’t seen in decades when we thought we were a Christian nation.

Stop today and let this verse sink in for you. Meditate on it. Write down some of those things you would like someone to do for you today, then go out and do them for someone else. You’ll be amazed at the change in attitude that will come over you when you do. They don’t have to be big or expensive, just simple, random acts of kindness. You’ll make someone’s day and it will make yours, too. Try it.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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