Get your ticket (Matthew 8:10-13) February 9, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Judges 1-6

see the whole year’s plan [here](

Today’s Devotional

Matthew 8:10-13
Jesus was stunned by the depth of the officer’s faith.
Jesus (to His followers): This is the plain truth: I have not met a single person in Israel with as much faith as this officer. It will not be just the children of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob who celebrate at their heavenly banquet at the end of time. No, people will come from the East and the West—and those who recognize Me, regardless of their lineage, will sit with Me at that feast. But those who have feigned their faith will be cast out into outer darkness where people weep and grind their teeth.
Then Jesus turned to the Centurion.
Jesus: You may go home. For it is as you say it is; it is as you believe.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

Jesus’ words today give us a powerful promise. God came to Abraham and told him he would be the father of many nations. The Old Testament follows his patriarchal lines through Isaac, and Jacob on through the centuries to describe the history of the nation of Israel, God’s chosen people. But chosen for what? That’s what they forgot through those centuries. They were not chosen to become arrogant and self-serving. They were chosen to bless the other nations of the world.

How were they to bless the other nations of the world? They were the people God gave His message of salvation. God gave them the mission of spreading that message, but instead they kept it to themselves and built walls between them and everyone else. The racial, political, social, and religious divides they built were extreme and they would not allow any cracks in their walls.

So the story of the Centurion, the Roman military officer coming to Jesus for help, bruised the sensitivities of the devout Jews. How could He talk to a Gentile if He was really the Son of God? Would God talk to an outsider? Would God waste His time with someone who wasn’t part of His chosen nation? Of course, we know the answer. God created all people everywhere. Israel just forgot the task God gave them. They forgot who they were. They forgot that God was God and they were not.

Jesus reminded all who gathered around Him that He came for everyone. Salvation is universal for all who believe in Him. His words must have shocked the Israelites around Him. How dare He talk about Gentiles sharing in the resurrection feast with God? But that’s the promise He makes as this “heathen” demonstrates more faith than any of the religious leaders Jesus has seen in His journeys through the country.

His words remind me, though, that we can be just as guilty as those pious, hypocrites Jesus addressed that day. If you’re a Protestant, do you bash the Catholics? Did you forget that your tenets of faith originated within their church? If you’re Catholic, do you think all Protestants are heretics? If you’re Baptist, do you think every other denomination has it wrong? What if you’re Nazarene, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist? Do you look down on other denominations and wonder about their salvation?

If you want to know the truth, Jesus would probably tell us there are some Christians in each of those faiths, and a lot of people who call themselves Christians in each of those faiths. As He told those around Him that day, it isn’t your pedigree that gets you into heaven. Jesus doesn’t care what you call yourself. You could call yourself a “Gollywopper” and be a Christian if you’ve asked for His forgiveness and follow His commands. But if you don’t come to Him repentantly and follow Him, it just doesn’t matter what you call yourself. You won’t be at the feast.

However, the promise is for all who believe. That’s it. Believe enough to know He died for your sins and mine. Believe enough to follow His direction for your life. Believe enough to act as a witness to His grace each day when opportunities arise. Believe enough to let Him change you into His likeness, His image in your thoughts and actions toward others. Believe in Him enough to let Him teach you to love like He loves, even your enemies.

That’s all it takes. Faith. The Centurion exercised his faith in Jesus and his request came to fruition. Jesus sent the Centurion home with the assurance his servant returned to health. And he did. So don’t think your title will do anything for you. It won’t. Don’t think your heritage will help you. It won’t. The only thing that will get you a ticket to the feast is your faith in Christ. And He sais all you need is as much as a grain of mustard seed and you can move mountains. Exercise a little and get your ticket to the banquet with Him.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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