Don’t worry, just talk (Matthew 10:18-20) February 28, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – 1 Corinthians 1-2

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Today’s Devotional

Matthew 10:18-20
Jesus: Because of Me, naysayers and doubters will try to make an example out of you by trying you before rulers and kings. When this happens—when you are arrested, dragged to court—don’t worry about what to say or how to say it. The words you should speak will be given to you. For at that moment, it will not be you speaking; it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

A great job description, don’t you think? Join my firm and the people that don’t like what you say will drag you before the highest authorities in the land and have you arrested and taken into court for your “crimes”. But don’t worry about it. Don’t worry that those authorities have the power to execute you. Don’t worry that the naysayers and doubters are paying off those officials and have the power to get you arrested and thrown into prison in the first place. Don’t worry about any of that. Just join my company and do what I tell you to do. How would you like those instructions?

Notice Jesus didn’t mince words here. “When this happens,” He says. “When you are arrested and dragged into court, not if. This is going to happen to you. You’re going to find yourself in jail. You’re going to be arrested. You’ll get your mug shots on the post office wall as part of the most wanted crowd. But don’t worry about it. You’ll have your day in court.”

Can you imagine the looks on the disciples faces as they heard those words? What? We’re going to be arrested, thrown in jail, go to court, stand in front of kings and judges? What are we supposed to say to them? What is our defense against those that doubt You? You’ll be miles away in some other city, how are we supposed to defend ourselves against these guys? What do you mean don’t worry about what to say?

I can just see their eyes grow wide and their jaws slacken and their mouths open wide as they take in what Jesus tells them in these words. He knows what will happen to them. He knows He will become the sacrifice for the world’s sins. He knows these twelve will carry His message and His Spirit will live in them and empower them once He ascends back to His home in heaven. But they don’t understand any of this at this point. They are dumbfounded with the prospect of what will happen.

But they also trust their Master. And they listen carefully to what He says next. The Holy Spirit will give you the words to say when you stand before the authorities. It will be the Father’s words that come through you. Don’t worry about it.

Those that know me well, know that on personality tests, I am a slammed against the wall introvert. I can stand in front of a crowd and preach. I can get up in front of an auditorium full of people and teach. But I really am a died in the wool introvert. I’ve learned to act like an extrovert when I have to, but it is really hard for me to talk to people. I am much more comfortable sitting in a room with a book.

When I go to restaurants, I like my back to the wall. When I go to parties, I migrate to the edges of the crowd. I seldom attend things where people will just mill around and when I do, I either go early to find a spot where I can anchor myself and not have to move or go late to arrive just before the main event starts and everyone freezes in place. I don’t mill around very well. I would never survive New Year’s Eve in Times Square. I just couldn’t do it.

All that said, I have to tell you that preaching is a passion for me. I’m called to preach. I don’t understand why God would do that as much as I dislike meeting and talking to people individually. It is so difficult for me. But when I stand in front of people to share His message, I understand these words of Jesus. I study hard to prepare sermons, but when I stand before a crowd, the experience is overwhelming. It’s almost an out-of-body experience. I don’t know where the words come from sometimes.

Preaching is hard work and I’ve been more exhausted after preaching a 20 minute sermon some days than after moving a truck load of furniture, but I love to preach. Why? Because I know these words of Jesus are true. The words are often not my own. When I’m truly prepare, the Holy Spirit takes over. When I’m prayed up and the topic is His, not mine, His words flow in a way that is hard for me to explain. Others hear a sermon I didn’t seem to prepare. But hear the words they needed to hear in that moment to convict, convence, encourage, admonish. They got what they needed, not from me, but from God’s word.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us? Don’t worry about sharing His message with others. He will give you the words to say. When you boldly speak in His name, others will hear what they need to hear from His word. But you need to prepare yourself. Be prayed up. Stay rooted in His word. Stay connected to the Source from which those words can flow. When you stay connected, like Jesus says, “Don’t worry about what you will say…the Spirit of your Father will speak through you.”

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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