The One that matters won’t hate you (Matthew 10:21-23) February 29, 2016

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Genesis 32-35

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Today’s Devotional

Matthew 10:21-23
Jesus: Your task will be fraught with betrayal: brother will betray brother, even to the point of death; fathers will betray their children, and children will rebel against their fathers, even to the point of death. When you are persecuted in one town, flee to the next town. This is the truth: you will not be able to witness to every town in Israel before the Son of Man comes. Everyone will hate you because of Me. But remember: the one who stays on the narrow path until the end will be saved.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

Who would have believed history would unfold the way it has over the last fifty years? I think about the really bad kids in my school when I was growing up. They smoked behind the bleacher! How terrible! We had no drugs in the schools. No police stood at the doors to the schools. We didn’t worry about guns or knives in backpacks. No one abused illegal or prescription drugs. Once in a long while you would hear about a teenage pregnancy, but those were few and far between. There were a lot more virgins that not and those that were not were frowned upon.

No one “lived together” to see if they were compatible before getting married. Divorce was a bad word and husbands and wives learned to work out their differences. Almost all the kids I grew up with had two parents…at home. And they were they same parents that were there at their birth! Amazing, isn’t it. Now, pornography is one of the biggest vices in the church. Divorce rates in the church exceed those in the secular world. Police walk the halls of middle schools and high schoolers face metal detectors when they enter their buildings. Smoking cigarettes is still a problem, but so is marijuna, ectascy, cocaine, crack, prescription drugs, and all sorts of homemade concoctions.

We live in evil times. And with the degradation of society, we get the news reports of fathers and mothers killing their children. We hear about children killing their parents. We read about the random slaughter of innocent people. Violence and disregard for human life runs rampant. Is it any wonder the words of Jesus mean more now than they did when He spoke them 2000 years ago? As men and women try to satisfy their selfish desires with more and more of what the world offers, is it a surprise that His words are true today as they were then?

Men will hate you if you tell them about dying to selfish desire and living for Christ. Men will hate you if you talk about repentance and obedience to God’s word. Men will hate you if you tell them the only way to heaven is by following Jesus’ example. Men will hate you for bearing the righteousness of God because of His forgiveness and His Spirit in you. Jesus promised they will hate you if you carry His message to them.

So what are we to do? Continue to share the message. Continue to love. Just because those of the world will hate you, doesn’t mean you can hate them back. In fact, if God has forgiven you, you can’t hate them. He says we are forgiven in the same measure that we forgive. How can you hate and forgive at the same time? You can’t. We must love our enemies. Do good to those who persecute us. Pray for those who wrong us. Jesus knew we would face tremendous opposition when we share His message in this evil world. But this isn’t the end.

As we help others understand the truth of Jesus’ message, some will hate us. But some will learn about Him and be gathered into His kingdom. Some will repent because His kingdom is at hand. Some will recognize their evil ways, their brokeness and want to find freedom from the burden of sin they carry. Some will listen to your words and want the peace and joy they see in your face. And for those few who find the narrow path on which we walk, all the trials and persecution and suffering and heartache will be worth it.

Jesus lays out the job description pretty well for His disciples. The road ahead will be a hard one. Even relatives, parents, children, siblings will turn against one another because of the message you share. So ingrained is the desire to satisfy our selfish pleasures that we would turn against those we love the most.

But there is a better way and those who follow Christ know that way. Just keep your eyes on Him and follow in His footsteps as He leads you along. Keep doing what He asks of you. Will it be easy. Not always. But He will never give you a task that you cannot accomplish with His help. He promises. You will be hated, but not by the only One who matters in the end. So just keep sharing His message. He’ll reward you in the end.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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