What are your hangups? (Matthew 12:3-6) March 12, 2016

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Mark 1-2

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Matthew 12:3-6
Jesus: Haven’t you read what David did? When he and his friends were hungry, they went into God’s house and they ate the holy bread, even though neither David nor his friends, but only priests, were allowed that bread. Indeed, have you not read that on the Sabbath priests themselves do work in the temple, breaking the Sabbath law yet remaining blameless? Listen, One who is greater than the temple is here.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

What is your religious hangup? Maybe you have several. I remember growing up we had a lot of “don’ts to contend with.” They weren’t bad rules. They kept us out of trouble. They helped discipline us. But some of them really didn’t make a lot of sense and were carryovers from a generations past and didn’t really apply anymore.

As I’ve grown older, I realize the importance of some of those taboos and the frivolity of others. I’ve also come to see these words of Jesus as they apply not just to the disciples picking grain on the Sabbath, but to a lot of our rituals and rules that sometimes help us remember different aspects of our faith, but are in truth just rituals to jump start our memories. They mean little in themselves apart from the memory and meaning they bring to us in regard to our relationship with God. The Sabbath is really just another day on the calendar unless you spend it in a vibrant, meaningful relationship with God.

Baptism is a wonderful ritual, but if you go under an unrepentant sinner, you come up a wet unrepentant sinner. It’s only a ritual to help us recall an important event in our lives, that of giving ourselves fully to God. Dying to self and living in Christ. There is no other purpose for baptism. It’s a great thing. It’s an important thing. It’s something we follow Christ in doing. But if we’re not careful, it can be just another ritual. And you know what, God doesn’t really care about rituals. He cares about relationships.

Maybe your hangup is clothes. We used to talk about going to church in our Sunday best. I don’t see that much anymore. We have made Sunday dress pretty casual. I kind of like Sunday best. I like to think God likes me to dress up for Him at least as much as I’d dress up to go to an important job interview or a meeting with an important dignitary. But I don’t get hung up on clothes. Jesus met with people in rags and He met with people in regal attire. It made no difference to Him because He looks at the inside, not the outside. I do believe we should dress with modesty in mind as scripture tells us. But then again, whose definition of modesty are we using?

Maybe your hangup is jewelry. I have to tell you, I’m not much on body piercing of any kind. Maybe it’s partly because I really don’t like pain and all that stuff in ears and eyes and noses and tongues and elsewhere looks terribly painful. Can I tell anyone else it’s wrong? Nope. It’s my hangup, not necessarily yours. Don’t expect to see me with earrings anytime soon, but I won’t ask you to take out your nose ring either. It’s one of those things that really doesn’t matter in the greater scheme of things.

Maybe your hangup is music. What happened to the great hymns of the church? Why do we only hear choruses with the same five words sung twenty times? I like the old hymns. But then if I think back fifty years, the songs we introduced were heresy to the older crowd then, so maybe I just need to get over my likes and dislikes of music styles and be happy that people are singing the praises of Jesus no matter what beat or how few or how many words are used. It’s about worship and relationship, not about the music, anyway, right?

So what’s your hangup? What is it that you just can’t get over someone else doing that you think must be wrong? Take a look at it again from Jesus’ perspective. Is it one of those that He would same the same thing He did to the Pharisees about their comments to Him about the Sabbath? It’s not that observing the Sabbath is wrong. It’s not that your particular hangup is wrong. (sorry, I probably shouldn’t call it that). But sometimes the things that we think are just so important, are not. God wants more out of us. He wants a relationship with us and that doesn’t come through those rituals and rules and habits we think are so important. Relationship comes through listening and talking and doing things together. And since He’s God and we are not, doing the things He wants us to do. It means reciprical love. You know God loves you, He wants you to love Him back.

Can it be that simple? Can our spiritual life be summed up as simply as that? Yes! His word says it is so simple that even a fool doesn’t need to miss it. So unless you want to call yourself dumber than a fool, it’s not that hard to figure out. Let Him be Lord!

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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