Am I still safe? (Matthew 12:31-32) March 17, 2016

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Job 21-22

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Today’s Devotional

Matthew 12:31-32
It is one thing for you to speak ill of the Son of Man. People will be forgiven for every sin they commit and blasphemy they utter. But those who call the work of God the work of Satan utterly remove themselves from God, and those who blaspheme God’s Spirit will not be forgiven, neither in this world nor in the world to come.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

People worry a lot about this saying of Jesus. What does it mean to blaspheme God’s Spirit? What is the unpardonable sin? Have I committed it? Am I beyond God’s grace for what I have done?

Satan tkes these words of Jesus and causes many to bail out. To think they are so far down the path of sin that God can’t forgive them. Satan makes them feel so bad about themselves that they just know God must feel the same way and would never let them into His kingdom. So they give up. They stay at the bottom of the pit and feel utterly hopeless. But that is just another lie of Satan. Remember, Satan is the father of lies. He will do anything he can to keep you from giving yourself to God.

So what is this unpardonable sin about? I think to understand it, we need to understand a little about God and His plan for humankind. God wants us to live with Him forever, but as a holy God, He cannot live in the presence of sin. So to live with Him, our sins must be forgiven. The penalty must be paid. But Paul tells us the wages of sin is death. Jesus, God’s Son, paid that price for us. His death made our forgiveness possible. It is a gift He gives us, but we must accept the gift. We must come to Him in repentance and accept His gift of forgiveness.

Jesus came to live among us for just that purpose. To live and die and rise again to pay the penalty for us, then to demonstrate His power to forgive through His resurrection. He promised when He ascended into heaven He would send His Spirt, the Spirit of God to live not with us, but in us. And He said God’s Spirit would convince and convict us of our sin, guide us to righteousness, and empower us to live the way He wants us to live.

So here’s the issue. When Christ ascended into heaven and God’s Spirit came at Pentecost, His Spirit became the link between us and God. Before Christ’s sacrifice, we had a need for sacrifices in the temple to atone for our sins. But no more. Jesus paid that price as the ultimate sacrifice. His Spirit now convinces and convicts us of our sins. His Spirit leads us back to Him and lets us know we desparately need His forgiveness, His righteousness. His Spirit brings us to the point of asking for the help we need from God.

God’s Spirit in us then empowers us to do the work God has us to do. He keeps us on the narrow path Jesus talked about. He helps us understand God’s word. He gives us the words we need when we tell others about Him. He shares His heart with us and shows us when we get off track. God’s Spirit makes it possible for us to live the life we were created to live.

But if I cut off that link. If I refuse to listen to God’s Spirit. If I continually push His voice into the background until I can no longer hear even the smallest whisper, I run the risk of not hearing His convincing of my sin. I run the risk of not being convicted of my wrong doing. When I cut God off in my life, how can I get back? How can I hear Him and let Him reach me? If I absolutely cut all ties with God’s Spirit, then how will He communicate with me so I understand my condition? If I don’t understand my sinful condition before God, how can I ask for His forgiveness? If I don’t ask Him for forgiveness and accept His righteousness as my own by letting Him be Lord of my life, I don’t live with Him in eternity. And there is only one other option. Not one I want to choose for myself.

Are you in danger of blaspheming the God’s Spirit? My opinion, if you’re worried about it, you are probably being prompted by His Spirit to get right with Him. I’m amazed at God’s patience, but His word also tells us His Spirit will not always be with us. There will come a day when He will quit calling. Don’t let that day come for you. Don’t think you have plenty of time. You don’t know what will happen tomorrow or even today. Again, His word tells us today is the day of salvation. There’s a reason for that. We don’t know what day will be our last. Make the right choice while you have the opportunity. Today is a good day to make Him Lord.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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