We are going to Jerusalem (Matthew 20:18-19) May 8, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – 2 Corinthians 6-8

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Matthew 20:18-19
Jesus: We are going to Jerusalem. The Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and to the teachers of the law. He will be condemned to death, and the priests and teachers will turn Him over to the Romans, who will mock Him and flog Him and crucify Him. But on the third day, He will be raised from the dead to new resurrected life.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

We are going to Jerusalem. Jesus knew what would happen there. He laid it out in pretty clear terms to His disciples. No pulled punches. Betrayal. Condemnation. Beatings and floggings. Crucifixion. But also hope and victory. By the time He got to the raising from the dead part, I’m not sure His disciples were listening any more. I’m not sure I would be if this were the speech I was hearing at the time.

We are going to Jerusalem. Let’s go there so I can die! All you guys who have been following Me to see My kingdom come to fruition, watch Me go to the seat of our religious power and hang on a cross. Sound like a good idea to you? Oh, by the way, betrayal, that means one of you will be part of a conspiracy against Me. Which one of you wants to fill that role? Okay, pack your bags. Let’s hit the road. Let’s whistle a happy tune and get going.

What did He just say? That sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

Two things that are important for us to think about today and emulate in our walk with Him. First, Jesus knew His path and steadfastly took it. Even though He knew what was coming, Jesus set His face toward Jerusalem and went. He knew His mission ended in Jerusalem and He had to go. He knew He would die there. He knew He would face pain, torture, ridicule, death, but those did not deter Him because He knew God’s plan for Him meant going to Jerusalem and nothing would stop Him from taking the path God laid out for Him. He set His face toward Jerusalem. We are going to Jerusalem. That was it. No question about it. Done deal.

So, the question I have for you today is, Do you know what God wants you to do? If so, are you so determined to fulfill it that nothing will stand in your way to complete it? Jesus knew what completing His mission entailed. It meant betrayal, condemnation, torture, and death. But despite the obstacles that Satan put in His path, Jesus knew His mission would not fail because it was not His plan but His Father’s.

When we know God’s plan and get to it, nothing can stop it. We can boldly move toward the culmination of God’s plan even when it looks impossible. See, God works in the realm of the impossible. He takes our efforts and fills that gap between what we can do and what He plans and makes the impossible happen when He wants His plans completed.

The second thing we should learn from Jesus’ words today, let’s look at the words again. We are going to Jerusalem. We are going. You can’t get anywhere without taking those first steps. The old Chinese proverb says, the longest journey begins with the first step. It’s true with God’s missions for our lives. We might know what God wants us to do. But until we take that first step, we will never get it completed. We have to get up off our best intentions and get moving.

Jesus made a declaration to His disciples. It was not a question or a request. He made a statement and then set out doing it. You have to get up and move accomplish God’s will, not necessarily literally, but most of the time, literally. But always you have to do something. More often that not, that something will be service to others. Helping in some way. Doing something to show others God’s love, grace, and mercy.

Will there be difficult times when we serve others? Absolutely. Serving others is messy business. Getting involved in people’s lives is tough. It’s never easy, but the rewards are great. So what’s stopping you? Do you question what God wants you to do or where He wants you to go? I’ve had that problem at times. So what do you do then? Just work where you are. Maybe God has you exactly where He wants you. So just do something where you are. Maybe it’s not the distance you need to travel, but the service you need to perform in the very spot you’re standing.

So there it is. Jesus says, “We are going to Jerusalem.” So figure out what God’s plan is, get on board and just go do it. It’s really that simple. Is it always easy? No. But God will be with you every step of the way. He’s promised never to leave us or forsake us. So just take that first step and see where your journey leads.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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