Friends in the time of need (Matthew 26:18) June 18, 2016

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Luke 13-14

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Today’s Devotional

Matthew 26:18
Jesus: Go into the city, find a certain man, and say to him, “The Teacher says, ‘My time is near, and I am going to celebrate Passover at your house with My disciples.’”

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

I like this about Jesus and the relationships He has built in His thirty-three years on earth. He told a few of His trusted disciples to go find a certain man. No doubt one of the many friends He made along the path of life He traveled over the last several years. Maybe the man was a family friend who didn’t berate Mary and Joseph for the son born to early to them to be Joseph’s legitimate heir. Maybe he was one of the guest at Cana who witnessed Jesus’ first miracle and became a close and trusted friend after believing Jesus was the Son of God. Maybe he was one of John’s followers present on the day John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.

We don’t know who the man was, but Jesus sent His disciples to this particular, person to let him know He was coming with a bunch of His friends. And when Jesus’ disciples came to that man and told him what Jesus said, he didn’t even flinch. He set up the room. He got provisions for them. He welcomed them in. He was happy to see Jesus and meet whoever Jesus brought with Him.

I often wonder how many of those kinds of friends Jesus made in His wanderings throughout the territories of Judea and Galilee. I think of people like Lazarus, Mary, Martha, Zaccheus the tax collector, and others who probably gave Him an open door invitation to welcome Him into their home any time He was in the area.

With our travels, my wife and I have made a few of those kinds of friends. We can call and tell them we will be in the area and they expect us to stay with them. And when they are in San Antonio, we expect them to stay with us. They are friends that if they called at midnight and said they needed a place to stay, the doors would be opened and beds would be available. They’re like family. Nothing is spared. No invitation is needed. Just show up and we will have a good time together for as long as they choose to stay. And they reciprocate if we happen through their town.

Relationships like that don’t happen overnight. Those relationships grew over years and decades as we learned about our likes and dislikes, as our kids grew up with common interests, as we discussed values and ethics and determined we were like minded in our love of God. These relationships take the brunt of life and survive the worst crises life throw at us because they help us get through those tough times. We rely on each other for prayers, an understanding shoulder to lean on, something beyond sympathy for our plight, a willing hand to help us through those crisis moments.

Jesus sent His disciples to meet such an individual. A certain man. A person with whom He grew a relationship over time until like those friends I discribed above, He could drop in without notice and be welcome. So how do we grow those kinds of relationships? How do we get to the place with others that we can drop in or have them drop in without the feeling of interruption and welcome these friends with open arms, always feeling at home with them? What is it about those relationships that make them so close and so genuine that you can share your life deeply and relish every moment with them?

I think one of the most important aspects of these relationships is the common ground in values. Deep in your heart where eternal things matter, you are kindred spirits. As I think about that list of people that I’m comfortable dropping in and out of their homes, almost without exception, they have a deep love of God and faith in Christ for salvation. All are growing in faith, but most know Him intimately.

Second, we are all open with each other. No pretense. No hidden agenda. We aren’t looking to gain anything from each other except friendship. We expect nothing in return from the time we spend together or the things we do for each other. We communicate and share joys, sorrows, hurts, celebrations, a multitude of emotions without fear of ridicule or judgment.

Finally, I think those relationships grow because from the beginning of the relationships, with small things at first, but later with whatever is needed, we have learned to trust each other to help when needed. We know we can rely on each other when the chips are down. We know when nothing else seems to work, we can turn to each other and things will get done.

Do you have those kinds of friends in your repertoire? I think Jesus made those kinds of friends wherever He went as the perfect Man and Son of God. I also think it’s more difficult for us to make and keep those kinds of friendships because we are imperfect and often not very godly. But I can tell you from decades of experience, those relationships are certainly worth the effort.

Jesus sent His disciples to a certain man. Do you have a few of those around the world you can call on for help when you need them?

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