Help my unbelief (Mark 9/16-29) August 12, 2016

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Daniel 7-12

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Today’s Devotional

Mark 9:16-29
Jesus (to the scribes): What are you debating with My disciples? What would you like to know?
Father (in the crowd): Teacher, I have brought my son to You. He is filled with an unclean spirit. He cannot speak, and when the spirit takes control of him, he is thrown to the ground to wail and moan, to foam at the mouth, to grind his teeth, and to stiffen up. I brought him to Your followers, but they could do nothing with him. Can You help us?
Jesus: O faithless generation, how long must I be among you? How long do I have to put up with you? Bring the boy to Me.
They brought the boy toward Jesus; but as soon as He drew near, the spirit took control of the boy and threw him on the ground, where he rolled, foaming at the mouth.
Jesus (to the father): How long has he been like this?
Father: Since he was a baby. This spirit has thrown him often into the fire and sometimes into the water, trying to destroy him. I have run out of options; I have tried everything. But if there’s anything You can do, please, have pity on us and help us.
Jesus: What do you mean, “If there’s anything?” All things are possible, if you only believe.
Father (crying in desperation): I believe, Lord. Help me to believe!
Jesus noticed that a crowd had gathered around them now. He issued a command to the unclean spirit.
Jesus: Listen up, you no-talking, no-hearing demon. I Myself am ordering you to come out of him now. Come out, and don’t ever come back!
The spirit shrieked and caused the boy to thrash about; then it came out of the boy and left him lying as still as death. Many of those in the crowd whispered that he was dead. But Jesus took the boy by the hand and lifted him to his feet.
Later He and His disciples gathered privately in a house.
Disciples (to Jesus): Why couldn’t we cast out that unclean spirit?
Jesus: That sort of powerful spirit can only be conquered with much prayer [and fasting].

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

I don’t know about you, but it seems the older I get, the more I hear the word cancer. Maybe because the population is growing, there is just a greater number of cases. Maybe it is more prevalent in society. Maybe I’m more attuned to it because I am getting older and I know that if you live long enough you will get cancer of some sort. But it’s not just the word cancer I hear. It seems there is just more illness around than I remember 30 or 40 or 50 years ago. I’m amazed at the number of clinics, emergency rooms, and hospitals being built in San Antonio right now. It seems they go up almost at the speed of fast food restaurants. Every day it looks like a new one springs up on another corner somewhere in the city.

So what does this growing population of sick and ill people in San Antonio have to do with today’s scripture? Well, let me press a little further with my sickness story. With all these hospitals and emergency rooms and clinics going up, obviously I get to see a lot of sick people when I visit someone in one of those facilities. And most often when I visit, I get an opportunity to pray with the person I’m visiting and with the family that is there.

Many times people get better. Sometimes when they get better, even the doctors are amazed at how quickly and completely the patient recovers. Often these are Christian people who have prayed for God to intervene on behalf of their loved one who has suffered some injury or illness that seems out of control and almost beyond repair by the medical community. Then they are shocked at the recovery. They are surprised by what the medical world said was an unexpected disappearance of the disease. They are stunned at the outcome that science can’t explain.

Why? Didn’t they ask for God’s intervention? Didn’t they pray expecting results? Did they just mouth some words and expect nothing to happen when they lifted their prayers to heaven and ask for healing?

More often than not, astonishment is the reaction I see on the face of even Christians when God heals His children when they pray. Shouldn’t we expect God to do what we ask if we pray in His Name and in His will? If we pray, not expecting anything to happen, do we have faith to believe He can? Why would God answer our prayers if we don’t expect Him to? Why should we be astonished when God does what we ask? Why, when we go to Him in earnest prayer and He answers in tangible ways do we carry with us any emotions other than praise and thanksgiving?

Maybe we don’t see much physical healing in our churches today because we really don’t have faith to believe God can do what He says. Maybe we don’t see forgiveness in our church because we don’t have enough faith to know He really can forgive us of our sins. Maybe we don’t see revivals sweeping across our land today because we who call ourselves Christians have lost what it takes to call down God’s Spirit on us in true faith and know He will answer when we ask Him.

The man who came to Jesus with His demon possessed son got it right that day. Maybe we need to get on our knees and emulate Him today. Lord, I do believe. Help me with my unbelief.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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