Give God the praise (Mark 39-42) August 15, 2016

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Numbers 1-4

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Today’s Devotional

Mark 9:39-42
Jesus: You shouldn’t have said that. Anyone using My name to do a miracle cannot turn quickly to speak evil of Me. Anyone who isn’t against us is for us. The truth of the matter is this: anyone who gives you a cup of cool water to drink because you carry the name of your Anointed One will be rewarded.
But if anyone turns even the smallest of My followers away from Me, it would be better for him if someone had hung a millstone around his neck and flung him into the deepest part of the sea.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

John tries to stop others from driving out demons in Jesus’ name. Jesus gives this reply. Don’t stop them. They’re doing something good. If the demons depart because they are using my name, then don’t stop them. Someone is being freed from the power of the demons. Let hem get on with the work they are doing. My name is being lifted up and glorified by their actions so let it go.

How much do we get caught up in the jealousy John displayed that day as He tried to stop this other group from doing good? Well, that church on the corner isn’t part of my denomination, so they shouldn’t be inviting my people to their meeting. That church over there doesn’t do things the way we do, so they can’t be part of the kingdom. That denomination doesn’t sing the way we do, so they obviously must not be Christian. That group doesn’t emphasize the same things we do, so we are obviously more holy than they are, right?

It’s so easy to get caught up in the petty discord Jesus saw with His disciples as He addressed John that day. Let them use My name to do My work! Let them see the things that happens when people hear My name and exercise their faith in Me. Even if you don’t agree with the person doing the work, recognize that when they do miracles in My name, they can’t turn around and contribute that work to someone or something else, because they invoked My name to accomplish it. My name is glorified before the people.

So what if those people are making a profit by using Jesus’ name? What if they are charletons and are just trying to exploit the power of His name to line their own pockets with gold? Does that make a difference in how we should treat them?

Jesus says if they are healing and performing miracles “using His name” leave them alone. Why would He say that? I think there are a couple of reasons we can consider.

First, we do not have the ability to judge someone else’s heart. How can we really determine if the person is doing what they do for personal reasons or for God if the outcome praises Jesus? If Jesus’ name is lifted, who are we to determine the motive behind the act? We are not God and cannot judge men’s hearts. What may look like personal gain to us, may not be. We can see some outward appearances, but sometimes those outward appearances can be deceiving. Remember, the Pharisees thought Jesus and evil person because He ate at the homes of tax collectors and prostitutes. What was His answer to them? “Those that are well, don’t need a doctor, but those that are sick.” He went to those who needed His touch.

Second, if God doesn’t want someone to perform miracles in His name, the miracle won’t happen. It’s not the one using Jesus’ name that determines the outcome, it’s Jesus. God is the one who performs the miracle, we humans only act as His instruments. So if we wish to complain that someone is doing miracles in God’s name, you better tell God to stop, not the person doing it. We have no power to do God-like things. Only God does. He lets His name be used as He wills.

Third, it’s God’s business to sort out the charletons from the real Christians. He’s the one who can look into our hearts and know why we do the things we do. There will be an accounting for our actions one day and He will be the judge, not us. He will determine if we used His name appropriately or not. He will know if we glorified Him through actions we took in His name or tried to build our own ego and reputation by using His name. You and I can’t figure that out about other people, but God will with His perfect knowledge.

So with all that said, when someone is doing good things in Jesus name, regardless of what you think their motive, regardless if you think they are doing it for their personal gain or God’s glory, if good is being done. Jesus says if His name is being lifted up, leave them alone. Be glad His name is being praised for the work being accomplished. Get rid of the jealous streak and instead, give God the praise for the work He is doing through someone else.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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