Why doesn’t He do the impossible? (Mark 14:36) September 12,2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Numbers 17-20

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Mark 14:36
Jesus: Abba, Father, I know that anything is possible for You. Please take this cup away so I don’t have to drink from it. But whatever happens, let Your will be done—not Mine.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

Jesus, the man, acknowledges that God, His Father can do anything. Nothing is impossible for Him. He also know that He, as God, the Son, must die on the cross to fulfill the prophecies and become the sacrifice for all humanity. His purpose, His duty, His life is dedicated to that single goal. He will die for us. But Jesus, the man, wants no part of it. He wants relief from the agony He is about to endure.

So here’s the question that comes from Jesus’ words today. If anything is possible for God, why doesn’t He intervene for us in those darkest times of life? Why does He let these terrible things happen to His children? Why do His believers get sick and die? Why do loved ones we pray for pass away earlier than we expect? Why are children taken away from us before their time? Why do we suffer so much, if anything is possible for God? Why didn’t He answer Jesus’ prayer and relieve Him of the suffering He was about to endure?

All good questions. Some would be bold enough to tell you it’s because of sin in our lives. I will tell you that is not so. Remember the blind man Jesus healed? The people who sinned to cause the malady, the blind man or his parents? Jesus answered, neither. He was blind to show God’s power and glory. As odd as it seems at the time, sometimes, the suffering we endure demonstrate God’s power and grace and glory in our lives. It might not make sense to you as you go through the pain of the circumstances you face, but often those who watch you struggle through those rough times see you lean on and trust in God to comfort you and find His grace through your strength in Him. I don’t think God causes the suffering, but He will certainly use the suffering for His glory when we let Him.

I think He also lets us suffer through difficult times to help us depend on Him. There are times in our life when we just need to draw closer to Him. Again, God doesn’t cause the evil circumstances in our lives. Those things are a result of the sin-scarred world we live in. Those are the consequences of being a part of Adam’s race. But God, in those times of suffering, asks us to draw close to Him so we can feel His mighty arms around us. He comforts us as a loving parent comforts their children in times of fear or sorrow or illness or any other heartache we endure. He wants us close and so He allows suffering to happen to let us draw closer to Him.

I think sometimes He lets us suffer because He knows what’s next. We live in an evil world. It is marred with the consequences of generations of sinful people’s actions. As long as we breathe, we cannot get away from those consequences as a part of humanity. But as we face some of those difficulties, we can build up our resilience in the same way we build callouses on our hands as we use tools. The first time you rake leaves, you can get some pretty good blisters on your hands, right? But by the end of the fall season, callouses have developed that let you rake the leaves without injury. Sometimes I think God lets us experience those sufferings to help us build up the ability to face the next ones without injury, just like we toughen our hands when raking leaves.

Sometimes I think He lets us suffer because He knows we will meet someone in the future who faces the same issues or problems we are facing. If we have gone through it with God’s help, we can be a voice of comfort, a mentor, a friend to walk along side that person to help them know there is hope and a brighter day on the other side of the issue they face. The suffering won’t last forever and one day the sun will shine for them again. We can be a witness for them because we have gone through the same suffering they face.

And quite frankly, I think sometimes God lets us go through some of the suffering the world dishes out because He doesn’t want us to get comfortable here. If this place gets too comfortable, why would we want to go to heaven? But instead, His children long for the day when we can escape the pain and suffering of this world and move on to be with Him forever. We look forward to the new heaven and new earth, the New Jerusalem that has been prepared for His followers. I think God wants to make sure we remember there is a better place awaiting us. A place so much better than the one that holds the pain and suffering we endure here.

Why doesn’t God do everything for us? I really don’t know the answer to the question. It’s something we can ask when we get to heaven. But then again, once we’re there, will we really care? He’s God and He knows what He’s doing. We can trust Him.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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