Be great by sharing the message (Luke 7:24-28) October 12, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Psalms 119

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Today’s Devotional

Luke 7:24-28
Jesus: When you went out into the wilderness to see John, what were you expecting? A reed shaking in the wind? What were you looking for? A man in expensive clothing? Look, if you were looking for fancy clothes and luxurious living, you went to the wrong place—you should have gone to the kings’ courts, not to the wilderness! What were you seeking? A prophet? Ah yes, that’s what John is, and even more than a prophet. The prophet Malachi was talking about John when he wrote,
I will send My messenger before You,
to clear Your path in front of You.
Listen, there is no human being greater than this man, John the Baptist. Yet even the least significant person in the coming kingdom of God is greater than John.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

It’s funny how we get our value systems all turned around in this world, isn’t it? We think big house, fancy cars, clothes and jewelry are the emblems of success. We consider multiple bank accounts, more than one house, long vacations in exotic places, and extravagant spending the things for which to strive in this world. But Jesus points to John in his camel skin cloak, his wild hair and diet of honey and locust and whatever else he can find to eat in the wilderness and says this scraggly looking prophet is the greatest human being on the planet. There is none greater than John the Baptist.

How can that be? He has nothing. He has no home. He has no means of transportation. He has no decent set of clothing. He doesn’t know where his next meal will come from. How can Jesus look at anyone with a straight face and say John is the greatest human being who ever lived? Doesn’t Jesus say that He knows Moses and Elijah and the other great prophets? Doesn’t Jesus talk about David and Solomon and Hezekiah, the great kings of the great nation of Israel? Doesn’t Jesus understand the history of men like these? How can Jesus say this homeless man who says this illegitimate son of a carpenter is the Messiah be the greatest human being who ever lived? Jesus must be crazy!

But Jesus looked into the heart of John and saw what he had done. John fulfilled his purpose perfectly. John took none of the limelight even though he had great opportunity to do so. John began preaching about the coming Messiah and scores of people flocked to hear his message. John had the people’s ear. He could have usurped the Father’s will and made himself out to be the long awaited One. But he didn’t. He stayed on the course God set for him.

That’s where John’s greatness lay. It certainly wasn’t his wealth or his oratory skill or his property or his beauty. The only thing John had going for him was the fact that God chose him for a particular mission and he carried out that mission faithfully. Even when it would have been easy to back peddle just a little and save himself from prison and the executioners axe, John still stayed true to his mission and called God’s chosen people to repent of their sins. He let them know that the kingdom of God had burst in upon the scene and the rules were changing. They had to make up their mind about who they would follow and they had to do it quickly. They must either follow or reject Jesus, but to make the wrong choice meant an eternity separated from the One who could rescue them from the bondage of slavery they felt every day.

Did John fully understand the message He shared with those around him? I’m not sure he did. I stand on this side of the cross’ history. You and I have knowledge John and Jesus’ disciples didn’t have when they received the message John shared. I share the message of repentance and Jesus’ forgiveness often. I try to share it with you in this podcast every day. But do I fully understand the message I share? Not on this side of eternity’s curtain.

There is so much I will not understand about how the triune Godhead works, yet I still believe it is true. I do not understand how Jesus’ blood, shed 2,000 years ago, acts as the payment for the sins I commit today, yet I believe it does when I ask for his forgiveness because I feel the burden of guilt lifted from my heart. I do not understand how God can extend His grace to me when I was His enemy, yet I know He did because I feel His presence in my life every day.

There is so much about the message I will not understand until I can sit as Jesus’ feet and ask Him about it. But that doesn’t mean I don’t believe His message isn’t true. I know His message is true. I’ve seen His hand at work. I’ve felt His presence in my own life and watched Him work His miracles in the lives of others. I know He is God and forgives sins when we ask. I know He can help us live the lives He purposed us to live when we give Him authority over us. I know He can make us greater than we can ever be without Him.

What made John so great? He shared the message unfaltering to a world who needed to hear it desperately. Can Jesus make you great as well? You bet He can. Just share what He has done for you. That’s the message we are to share with others. He commands us to be His witnesses. So go ahead and start today.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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