Imagine what a year it can be (Luke 21:6-17) December 31, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Acts 27-28

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Today’s Devotional

Luke 21:6-17
Jesus: Go ahead, look around, and be impressed; but days are coming when one stone will not be left standing on another. Everything here will be demolished.
Crowd: When will this happen, Teacher? What signs will tell us this is about to occur?
Jesus: Be careful. It’s easy to be deceived. Many people will come claiming to have My authority. They’ll shout, “I’m the One!” or “The time is now!” Don’t take a step in their direction. You’ll hear about wars and conflicts, but don’t be frightened at all because these things must surely come, although they don’t signify the immediate coming of the end. You can count on this: nation will attack nation, and kingdom will make war on kingdom. There will be disturbances around the world—from great earthquakes to famines to epidemics. Terrifying things will happen, and there will be shocking signs from heaven. But before any of this happens, they will capture you and persecute you. They’ll send you to synagogues for trial and to prisons for punishment; you’ll stand before kings and government officials for the sake of My name. This will be your opportunity—your opportunity to tell your story. Make up your mind in advance not to plan your strategy for answering their questions, for when the time comes, I will give you the words to say—wise words—which none of your adversaries will be able to answer or argue against. Your own parents, brothers, relatives, and friends will turn on you and turn you in. Some of you will be killed, and all of you will be hated by everyone for the sake of My name.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

It seems like the topic of the end times comes up a lot in Jesus’ words. As I looked back over the year I noticed a lot of podcasts that mentioned those earthquakes and famines, wars and rumors of wars. Signs that Jesus talked about that will point to the end of this age and the beginning of the next when we will stand before Him at God’s judgment seat.

So why does Jesus say so much about the end of time and the judgment? Why does He talk about the signs that lead up to those terrible days for those that will face them? Why does He give us so much information about His coming again to take His church to be with Him?

It must be important or He wouldn’t say so much about it. I think He also wants to make sure we are not surprised by His coming. He gives us all the signs. He tells us all the things that will precede His return. All of them have happened. We have had wars ever since He left. I can’t remember a time of peace around the world since He left. There are more than 70 conflicts going on around the world today between nations. He tells us about earthquakes and if you look at the statistics on earthquakes they are intensifying and coming at a much higher frequency than ever before. The world is literally coming apart at its seams.

We are seeing strange weather patterns, odd tides, jet streams, creating unusual weather. We see droughts lasting longer and flooding in 500 year flood plains. All the signs are there. He could come at any time and not do disservice to any of the prophecies about His return.

What does all of that mean? Be ready. I’m releasing this podcast on the last day of 2016. It could be the last day. We might never see 2017. It could happen. I’m hopeful that God will give the church a chance to introduce Him to more people so that His kingdom will grow. I’m hopeful that in this new year Christians will recognize how short time is and take a stand for God. That we will really stand out as followers of Jesus the Messiah. I’m hopeful that the persecutions around the world will be such that those that sully the name of Christ by carrying His name but have no relationship with Him will stop identifying themselves as Christians so that the real bride of Christ can be recognized as the spiritual warriors they really are.

I’m hopeful that real revival will break out and people will understand their broken condition and fall to their knees and seek mercy and forgiveness from the living God who created them and longs to save them from their sins. I’m hopeful for a lot of things in this coming year.

But it all starts with me. Am I willing to be that person who, like the psalmist, falls to my knees and asks God to inspect my heart to see if there is any unclean thing in me. And whatever He might find, remove it at whatever cost so that there is nothing between me and my Savior. Are you willing to be that same kind of person this coming year? If all of us who claim Christ as our Savior will do the same, imagine what a year 2017 can be.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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