Monthly Archives: December 2016

Do good things for someone (Luke 14:12-14) December 1, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Ecclesiastes 11-12

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Today’s Devotional

Luke 14:12-14
Jesus: When you host a dinner or banquet, don’t invite your friends, your brothers, your relatives, or your rich neighbors. If you do, they might invite you to a party of their own, and you’ll be repaid for your kindness. Instead, invite the poor, the amputees, the cripples, the blind. Then you’ll be blessed because they can never repay you. Your reward will come from God at the resurrection of the just and good.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

When is the last time you just did something good for someone you didn’t know? When I was in uniform, it happened to me often. Desert Storm changed the way Americans viewed service members after many years of not caring much about them. That series of events, however, brought our attention back to the freedoms we enjoy as a privilege of living in this country. And service men and women around the world help to protect those freedoms.

So after I returned from Desert Storm, it wasn’t uncommon if I was in uniform to eat in an airport during my travels or at restaurant on my way to or from some official function and find that when I went to pay for my meal someone had already paid my bill. I seldom knew who did it and the manager usually told me the person didn’t want to be recognized, just wanted to tangibly express his thanks for my service. It was pretty touching.

I try to do that every once in a while. No reason except I feel prompted to do it. I don’t want anyone to know my name. I don’t want any recognition. I just want to give because God has blessed me in so many ways. I think that’s what Jesus is talking about when He talks to the host of the dinner He attended that day 2000 years ago. I think He would commend those folks who buy the lunch of a soldier just because. I think He would be happy about giving away a new shirt with the tags still on it to the guy sleeping under the bridge. I think He would be happy about inviting that visitor to your church to lunch knowing they are just passing through and may never stop in your town again.

Something happens to you when you do those things. You get a good feeling inside because you’ve done something good with no expectation of payment. No expectation of anything in return. No hope that you will receive any reciprocal favor. You just do something good and doing good things has internal rewards that are hard to describe.

First, they take your mind off your own problems. When you help other people, you don’t focus on yourself and the day to day issues you face. When you focus on you, those little ankle biters seem to consume you. When you begin to help others and just look for random acts of kindness you can do expecting nothing in return, you focus on others and don’t have as much time to ruminate about you.

Second, studies are showing that doing good for others releases those endorphins runners talk about. You get that natural high without drugs or artificial stimulants and at the same time someone else benefits from your kind act. So a double blessing happens, the person who receives your help and the healthy hormones released into your body when you just do good things.

Third, Jesus makes a pretty significant promise here. He says that your reward will not come from men, because you have purposely done things for those who cannot repay you, right? Your reward will come from God. He will reward you at the resurrection for your just and good deeds. That is so much better than the temporary payment you might get on this side of the grave. Whatever you receive here you can’t take it with you. But what God gives you, lasts throughout eternity.

And doing good doesn’t have to cost you anything. Maybe you know a young mother that needs some respite from her kids. Or an elderly person that just needs some company. Maybe some volunteer house cleaning for someone that is getting over an illness or a loss. How about some handyman work? What kind of skills do you have that you can just give to someone who needs it.

I think God gives us talents and skills and experiences to help each other, not necessarily just for personal gain. Sure, we can earn a reasonable living with the skills He has given us, but He has also given us those gifts to share with others so they can understand the love of God given freely to those around us. After all, He gives us His grace freely. He shed His blood for us and forgives us when we ask. Why wouldn’t we give ourselves in service to others since He has done so much for us.

So now the only thing left to do is keep your eyes open today for the opportunity to do some random act of kindness for someone today expecting nothing in return. Just do something good. You’ll enjoy it, I promise.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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