Why are there so many martyrs? (Luke 21:18-19) January 1, 2017

Today’s Podcast

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* Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk With God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
* Have you ever thought about this question, “If Jesus promised not a single hair of your heads will be harmed. Why are there so many martyrs and so much persecution for His followers?”
* music intro
* You can follow along in a year long Bible reading program at richardagee.com where you can also subscribe to the podcast, send me comments to let me know what you think of the devotional, and listen to past devotionals. That’s richardagee.com.
* music intro
* Devotional
* In Luke 21:18–19 Jesus said: But whatever happens, not a single hair of your heads will be harmed. By enduring all of these things, you will find not loss but gain—not death but authentic life.
* Promise of no
* persecution
* beating
* imprisonment
* execution
* More – gain instead of loss; authentic life instead of death
* Never more than today
* Middle east
* Africa
* Russia
* China
* India
* Even in United States beginnings of rights removed, persecution evident, followers hated
* All the same problems as everyone else plus persecution
* What does Jesus mean? Contradiction?
* We take out of context
* Forget what comes before and after these verses
* Want to use part of a discourse to our benefit
* Like to twist promises to suit our wants
* What does Jesus mean?
* Verses in the middle of end times discourse
* Signs
* Events
* Interlude to comfort disciples
* Picture scene
* surrounded by disciples
* listening intently
* growing fear of description
* Jesus sees fear
* Calms with promise of what happens for His followers during the end times
* Put verses back into context
* We have nothing to worry about
* Still hated by the world
* Still face persecution until He comes
* Still suffer as followers
* Notice He says “if we endure all these things”, means we go through them
* After the signs have come
* earthquakes, floods, drought, famine, disease
* wars, nations fighting against each other and fighting within themselves
* Then we enjoy the promises He gives
* Jesus comes again
* Returns victoriously
* No more suffering
* No more martyrdom
* No more persecution
* No more loss
* No more death
* Today’s words from Jesus:
* Encouragement that the end brings relief from the evil of this world
* …life everlasting
* …indescribable joy
* …eternal praise and worship of the King of kings in His presence
* Disciples needed that interlude of encouragement
* We need it today, too.
* music exit
* If you want to know more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”
* music exit

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