Can you tell time without a watch? (Luke 21:29-33), January 3, 2017

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  • Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
    • Can you tell time without a watch? Jesus tells us how today. Stay tuned to learn how.
  • Scripture
    • Luke 21:29-33
    • (continuing with a parable) Look over there at that fig tree—and all the trees surrounding it. When the leaves break out of their buds, nobody has to tell you that summer is approaching; it’s obvious to you. It’s the same in the larger scheme of things. When you see all these things happening, you can be confident that the kingdom of God is approaching. I’m telling you the truth: this generation will not pass from the scene before everything I’m telling you has occurred.Heaven and earth will cease to exist before My words ever fail.
  • Devotional
      • Gretchen and Gilley demonstrations of needs
        • Gretchen
          • Paw face for food
          • Turn head to go outside
          • Growl and nip at pants to go to bed
        • Gilley
          • Paws on seat and stretch for food
          • Turn circles to go outside
          • Runs to bed when he wants
        • Don’t need to talk, understand what they need and what’s coming if I don’t take care of their needs.
          • Not good with doorknobs
          • Will eat when they get hungry enough
          • Will relieve themselves at some point wherever they are
        • I pay attention to their signs; if you have animals and toddlers you understand
          • Signs come like clockwork; 7:30, noon, 4:30, 9:00, 10:30 bed
          • Know what time it is by their behavior
        • Just like my example, Jesus used the example of the fig tree to let His hearers know things are about to happen
          • seasons
          • weather
          • illness
          • tragedies
        • He laid out all the signs that would precede
          • End of time
          • Return
          • Taking His bride home
          • Judgment
        • We watch the signs for the things we are interested in, but do we watch for the signs of the truly important things in life
          • Told us He’s coming
          • Told us to watch
          • Told us what to look for
          • We ignore all the indicators
        • Will we be able to watch the signs and know what time it is? 2017 might just be a very interesting year for more reasons than you thought when the ball dropped on New Year’s Eve.
      • If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”


    The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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