Timing is everything (John 7:6-8), February 10, 2017

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. I don’t know anyone that doesn’t own a timepiece of some sort. We are bound by time and time is important to us. In fact, sometimes timing is everything. Jesus knew that, too.
  3. Scripture
    1. John 7:6-8
    2. Jesus:  My time has not yet arrived; but for you My brothers, by all means, it is always the right time.  You have nothing to worry about because the world doesn’t hate you, but it despises Me because I am always exposing the dark evil in its works.  Go on to the feast without Me; I am not going right now because My time is not yet at hand.
  4. Devotional
    1. Timing is important in almost every aspect of life, did you ever think of that?
      1. Planting
      2. Harvest
      3. Cooking
      4. Football plays
      5. Construction
      6. Training
      7. Project execution
    2. God understands timing
      1. Genesis
      2. Separation of light and darkness comes first
      3. Separation of water and earth come next
      4. Life in the seas comes before life on land
      5. Plant life comes before animal life, food chain, herbivores before carnivores
      6. Perfect timing for creation and everything in it
    3. Jesus’ task to save the world
      1. World already began to hate Him because of His message and His fight against evil
      2. Satan knew who He was
      3. Began working against Him at His birth with no place for Mary to give birth to Him
      4. Temptation in the wilderness before He started His ministry
      5. Scribes, Pharisees and Sanhedrin for His message
    4. Jesus task was not yet complete
      1. Needed to train the twelve
      2. Needed to ensure the remembered the message
      3. Needed to make sure they saw and remembered the evidence of who He was
      4. Time wasn’t right for the completion of His task
    5. Sometimes we will ask God to come alongside us for something we want to do. Something we even think He has asked us to do, and it will seem like He is absent from the scene. He’s not. If He gives us something to do, He will be in it, but His timing is perfect. Like the secret play or the secret weapon pulled out at just the right moment to win the game. God comes on the scene at just the right time.
  5. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

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