Effective prayer (John 11:39-42), March 14, 2017

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. Is silent prayer effective? Yep. Is vocal prayer effective? Yep. Is prayer effective? Yep. When it’s for the right reason.
  3. Scripture
    1. John 11:39-42
    2. Jesus:  Remove the stone.

Martha: Lord, he has been dead four days; the stench will be unbearable.

Jesus:  Remember, I told you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God.

They removed the stone, and Jesus lifted His eyes toward heaven.

Jesus: Father, I am grateful that You have heard Me.  I know that You are always listening, but I proclaim it loudly so that everyone here will believe You have sent Me.

  1. Devotional
    1. I know people that are scared to death to pray out loud.
      1. They are afraid they’ll say the wrong thing.
      2. They think someone might think poorly of them because of the words they say.
      3. They get their tongues tied and nothing seems to come out right
      4. They’re afraid they’ll forget something they really want to say
    2. I know others who think you really need to pray out loud to keep focused during prayer
      1. It’s too easy to let your mind wander
      2. It’s easier to gather your thoughts
      3. It helps you articulate your praise to God
      4. It helps you focus on others instead of yourself
      5. It forces you to think more clearly about what you’re doing
    3. Jesus shows us that prayer is effective no matter how we pray as long as it’s for the right reason.
      1. “Father, I’m grateful You have heard Me.”
      2. But He hasn’t said anything out loud yet. He has obviously prayed, but communicated silently with His Father.
      3. “I know You are always listening”
      4. “I proclaim it loudly so that everyone here will believe You have sent Me.”
      5. His vocal prayer is heard so others will know His specific prayer to the Father for Lazarus’ resurrection
    4. What was all of this about?
      1. Everything Jesus did was to bring glory to God
      2. He stated before He left for Bethany that His delay and actions would bring glory to His Father
      3. All His prayer requests sought direction to give the most glory to God
      4. His actions aimed glory to God and not Himself
    5. Jesus came to Bethany to bring glory to His Father
      1. He would raise Lazarus from the dead
      2. He would show He was one with the Father since only God had the power to give life
      3. He would point all of those action toward one purpose and one cause
      4. Bringing glory to His Father
  2. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

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