Oh, what a tangled web (John 18:23), April 22, 2017

Today’s Podcast

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. It really is true. Best to never entangle yourself, just as Jesus taught us.
  3. Scripture
    1. John 18:23
    2. Jesus:  If I have spoken incorrectly, why don’t you point out the untruths that I speak? Why do you hit Me if what I have said is correct?
  4. Devotional
    1. Do you remember the game called gossip?
      1. As many as are in the crowd, usually a dozen or more, sit in a circle
      2. First person whispers something in the ear of the person next to them
      3. The message is passed along around the circle
      4. See just how accurate the story is at the end of the circle
      5. Usually not very accurate
    2. Gossip is a game but it’s worse in real life
      1. Little fibs that are told to one person or another
      2. Can’t remember what’s been told when it isn’t the truth
      3. The fib changes from time to time because it was fabricated
      4. Get caught in the lie and then reputation suffers as integrity is damaged
    3. Jesus faced the high priest in trial
      1. Teachings were public
      2. Many probably recorded His teachings and took them back to the priests to argue about what He taught
      3. Never could win the arguments against what He said
      4. Always based in scripture which He knew better than they
      5. Challenged their authority because of His knowledge and actions to back up His knowledge
    4. Just look at My record
      1. Show me where I’ve misspoken
      2. Point out the untruths that I’ve told the crowds
      3. Give an example of something I’ve taught that is contradictory to the scriptures
      4. Give evidence that supports the need for punishment
    5. None could be found
      1. Even witnesses paid to lie could not hold up to cross examination by the high priest
      2. Farce of a trial had to stand some scrutiny for Pilate to execute Jesus
      3. Had to have some evidence and some reasonable facsimile of fairness
      4. Nothing Jesus had said or taught could be used against Him
      5. Everything Jesus said was true and right
      6. Everything the prosecutors brought before the priests failed to meet the standards for any punishment, much less death
    6. Jesus always shared truth
      1. Many didn’t like what He said, but He gave them the truth
      2. Today, many do not like what Christians say, but we must share the truth
      3. Only the truth can free us from the guilt of sin
  5. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

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