Sharing the haul (John 21:10-12), May 2, 2017

Today’s Podcast

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. So is Jesus’ invitation about sharing the haul He help bring about or sharing the breakfast He already prepared or teaching His disciples a lesson or what?
  3. Scripture
    1. John 21:10-12
    2. Jesus (to disciples):  Bring some of the fish you just caught.

Simon Peter went back to the boat to unload the fish from the net. He pulled 153 large fish from the net. Despite the number of the fish, the net held without a tear.

Jesus:  Come, and join Me for breakfast.

  1. Devotional
    1. Peter heard the man call from the shore to throw his nets on the right side of the boat
      1. He wasn’t real sure why that side was any better than the other
      2. Did what the man suggested
      3. Made one of the biggest hauls of his life – 153 large fish
      4. Not sure what constitutes large, but Peter was a fisherman and large would not be something you could hold in the palm of your hand
    2. Recognized the command came from Jesus after the fact
      1. Jumped in to meet Him
      2. Didn’t care what others thought of His actions
      3. Didn’t care about the wealth lost in getting to Him
    3. Finally felt sorry for his friends and went to help unload the boat
      1. Took time to unload 153 large fish plus whatever else was caught in the nets
      2. Laid them out in the sand to dry
      3. Checked the nets for tears
      4. Hung them up to dry to be ready to go out again
      5. Professional fishermen
    4. Bring some of the fish you caught
      1. Share what you have with others
      2. Don’t be greedy with what God has allowed you to gain
      3. Enjoy the fellowship with others as you give generously
      4. Bring some of the fish you caught
    5. Breakfast was already roasting on the fire
      1. Brought fish, but fish was already cooking
      2. Abundance came out of sharing
      3. Joy came out of accepting the invitation from Jesus
    6. What would have happened if Peter had not paid attention to that man on the beach that day?
      1. Tired, hot, sweaty from a long night’s work
      2. No fish to show for his toil
      3. Would not have met the Master for breakfast
      4. Would not have eaten some of the best fish created, just for him
    7. God invites us to share out of the abundance He has given us so that He can invite us to experience even more with Him.
      1. God’s math doesn’t add up in our sense of thinking
      2. But we are not God
  2. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

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