Talk about awkward (Acts 9:4-6), May 6, 2017

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. Have you ever been in a conversation where people were gossipping about someone and all of a sudden that person showed up? Awkward!
  3. Scripture
    1. Acts 9:4-6
    2. The Lord: Saul, Saul, why are you attacking Me?

Saul:  Lord, who are You?

Then he hears these words:

The Lord: I am Jesus. I am the One you are attacking.  Get up. Enter the city. You will learn there what you are to do.

  1. Devotional
    1. It happens more often that people want to admit.
      1. Sometimes it happens real time – person walks up behind and hears the conversation
      2. Sometimes the person walks into the middle of the conversation and everyone gets quiet, they still know something is up
      3. Sometimes the word just gets back and they know who said what
      4. Relationships are destroyed as much as reputations are destroyed often by untruths
    2. That’s what was happening in Paul’s life
      1. Persecuting Christians
      2. Telling the Jews things about them that were not true
      3. Telling stories about Jesus that were not true
      4. Spreading lies and rumors that despoiled Jesus’ reputation
      5. Jesus stepped behind him one day to interrupt his conversation
    3. Saul, why are you attacking Me?
      1. What are you saying about Me?
      2. What are you doing to My followers?
      3. What have you been doing behind My back
      4. Why don’t you say these things to My face
    4. And you know when we get ourselves caught in those embarrassing situations where we know we’re gossiping and shouldn’t, there are always consequences
      1. Paul got caught and was embarrassed by his wrong actions
      2. Fortunately did something about it
      3. Repented for his wrongdoing
      4. Learned of the tasks Jesus had for him to do
      5. Carried them out enthusiastically
      6. Stopped persecuting and became the persecuted
      7. Gained life and lost his
      8. Became the most prolific writer in the new testament
  2. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

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