Tag Archives: Amos

Take care of the widows and orphans, July 22, 2019

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Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.

I’m amazed at how the lectionary grabs today’s news even though the scriptures were chosen years ago. The readings yesterday could come from the newscast today without a problem. Listen to these words from the prophet Amos.

“Says the Eternal Lord.

Listen to this, you who trample on the needy
    and bring the poor to ruin,
Who ask, “When will the new moon festival be done
    so we can sell our grain?
And when will the Sabbath end
    so we can sell our wheat?
Then we can tamper with our scales
    and make the bushel measure smaller
And the counterweight heavier to cheat our customers.
We can buy the needy for silver
    and the poor and their property for the price of a pair of sandals.
We can even sell the chaff we sweep up as grain.””

We hear every day about how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. We hear about the middle class disappearing and it’s becoming more difficult to make ends meet for families.

The theme hasn’t changed in centuries. Even Jesus said the poor would always be with us. But we are also admonished as Christians to care for the poor. That’s where we need to be careful as we listen the words from Amos. Yes, we will always have poor among us. Societies that tried to live with redistribution of wealth failed. Marxism, communism, socialism, and other experiments that try to take from those that have and give to those that need consistently crumble over time. Those that have just get tired of those in power taking what they have and giving it away. 

Does that mean we should not take care of the poor? No. We need to help. We need to try to lift those that cannot help themselves. In Jesus’ day, it was principally orphans and widows who needed the most assistance. Orphans, no family to care for them ended up on the streets begging for anything to eat. They worked for nothing in dangerous jobs, they hired themselves out in the most despicable ways, they stole food, they did anything and everything just to survive. And the widows did the same, but often with prostitution as their only means of survival.

Still many of those orphans and widows died. They couldn’t survive the harsh conditions in Israel along with the oppressive nature of the greedy who failed to help even though commanded by the Mosaic Law. God saw what was happening. He didn’t like it. And he commissioned Amos to let the leaders know just how he felt. 

It was over. Israel would no longer hear the voice of God. He would pass by without stopping. God owned the earth, but this spot would be left alone to its own devices. The honeymoon between God and the people he set apart was over. 

It wasn’t long before the nation went into exile and it was another 2500 years before Israel became an independent nation again. God means what he says.

So, what does that mean for us today? Are the commands God gave 2500 years ago still applicable today? Do we need to listen to those ancient rules? Doesn’t live and let live work today? Should we let the government take care of the poor, so we don’t have to deal with the mess it creates when we try to do it ourselves? 

I think in this country we managed to pass off a lot of our responsibility as Christians when we started some of the social programs like Social Security all those years ago. We let others take care of what we used to do in the church, in our families. We assume taking care of the destitute is someone else’s responsibility, not ours. But that isn’t what God says. 

Can we save the world from poverty? No. There will always be poor among us as Jesus says. There will always be those among us who mismanage money, who live without thought of preparing for tomorrow, who have catastrophic events happen that destroy their fortunes, who become physically unable to care for themselves. There will always be a segment of society that prospers beyond belief, that one percent that we all look at and ask why they need that much? 

The question we must ask ourselves is what do we in the middle do with our funds? How do we manage what God has given us, so that we might help care for those that need assistance? As followers of Christ, what is our responsibility for relieving the suffering of those around us? 

I’m not much of a fan of giving money to the crowd that bombards the cars at stoplights, but I do think it’s okay to give them a bottle of water or a sandwich if God lays it on your heart. I’m not a fan of doling out money to the homeless to watch it go into the brown sacks that feed their addictions, but I am in favor of helping families get back on their feet when dad abandon wives and young children with no means of support. 

There are things we can do to be Jesus to those around us. What can you do to the helpless, the hurting, the suffering, the poor, the widows, and orphans you pass by every day? Israel fell into exile partly because they failed to take care of those who could not take care of themselves. I hope we are not falling into that same trap individually or as a nation. 

As David recalled the massacre of the 85 priests at Nob as he fled from Saul, he thought of the plight of those who stood against God. Their reward is coming. David said it this way in Psalms 52:

You won’t be smiling
    when the True God brings His justice and destroys you forever.
    He will come into your home, snatch you away,
    and pull you from the land of the living.


Those who are just will see what happens to you and be afraid.
    And some of them will laugh and say,
“Hey, look! Over there is the one who didn’t take
    shelter in the True God;
Instead, he trusted in his great wealth
    and got what he wanted by destroying others!”

But my life is abundant—like a lush olive tree
    cared for at the house of the one True God.
I put my trust in His kind love
    forever and ever; it will never fail.
Because of all You have done,
    I will humble myself and thank You forever.
With Your faithful people at my side,
    I will put my hope in Your good reputation.

I want to be part of the David crowd, not on the side of Saul and his sidekick Doeg who used their power to destroy others because of their jealous need for more power and wealth. I want to live the abundant life Jesus promised. Filled with his legacy of peace in a world blinded by chaos. But it only comes through knowing and following Jesus, the promised Messiah, the son of the living God.

You can find me at richardagee.com. I also invite you to join us at San Antonio First Church of the Nazarene on West Avenue in San Antonio to hear more Bible based teaching. You can find out more about my church at SAF.church. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed it, tell a friend. If you didn’t, send me an email and let me know how better to reach out to those around you. Until next week, may God richly bless you as you venture into His story each day. 

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

A battle is brewing (Amos 5:1-17), June 29, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Amos 5:1–17
Set – Amos 5; Titus 1
Go! – Amos 4–6; Psalms 86; Titus 1

Amos 5:1-17
1 Hear this message I sing about you;
it is my dirge for you, people of Israel:
2 The virgin Israel has fallen,
fallen never to rise again;
Forsaken in her land, forgotten where she lies.
No one is there to help her rise again.
3 So says the Eternal Lord:
Eternal One: The city that sent out a thousand soldiers
will see only a hundred of them survive;
And the town that sent out a hundred
will see only ten remain for the house of Israel.
4 So says the Eternal to Israel:
Eternal One: Turn back to Me and you will live. There is still time.
5 But don’t hang your hopes on Bethel,
Or travel to Gilgal or Beersheba or any other sanctuary expecting help,
because Gilgal will surely be sent into exile,
And the shrine at Bethel will come to nothing.
6 Turn back to the Eternal One, and you will live.
If you don’t, He will flame up like fire against the house of Joseph,
Burn it to the ground, and no one in Bethel will be able to put it out.
7 Listen, you who distort justice and make it taste bitter
and trample righteousness to the ground.
8 The One who set the Pleiades and Orion in the heavens,
who turns night’s shadow into morning and darkens the day with night,
Who calls forth the waters of the sea to pour down rain and flood the earth—
the Eternal One is His name,
9 Who destroys the mighty in a flash,
and crashes against the fortress with the force of a tidal wave.
10 Those of you who hold power now hate the one who judges in the courts at the gate
and detest anybody who speaks the truth.
11 So because you have climbed to success on the backs of the poor
and your wealth comes from taxes you impose on their harvests,
You may well build mansions of expensively-cut stones,
but you’ll never occupy them.
You may plant beautiful vineyards,
but you’ll never enjoy their delicious wine.
12 For I know the depth of evil that you’ve done,
and I see the gravity of your sins:
You persecute those who do the right thing, you take bribes,
and you push the poor to one side in the courts at the city gates instead of helping them.
13 So the wise may decide to keep quiet just then,
because truly, it is an evil time.
14 Search for good and not for evil
so that you may live;
That way the Eternal God, the Commander of heavenly armies, will be at your side,
as you yourselves have even said.
15 Hate what is evil, and love all that is good;
apply His laws justly in the courts at the city gates,
And it may be that the Eternal God, the Commander of heavenly armies,
will have mercy on those descendants of Joseph who survived.
16 So says the Eternal God, Commander of heavenly armies, the Lord of all:
Eternal One: Get ready to hear wailing from every street,
people crying out in pain and sorrow along every highway.
The farmers will be pulled away from their fields to mourn,
and those who are trained to grieve will wail with them.
17 In every vineyard, there will be mourning
because I will pass through the middle of you.
Says the Eternal One.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

Israel didn’t listen to My prophets when I warned them against the evil they were doing. They turned away from My law. They didn’t treat each other justly. The leaders took advantage of the people taxing them into poverty and making themselves rich on the backs of the people they were to care for.

I sent My prophets to warn them, but they wouldn’t listen. They continued to do as they pleased and they paid a heavy price for their disobedience. Israel was crushed under the might of Assyria and Babylonia and Persia and Greece and Rome. For centuries, Israel could not hold its own leadership, but lived under the occupation of another country whose leaders did not believe in Me. The Israelites were forced out of their homes and lived in exile as I allowed them to suffer because they abandoned Me.

The United States’ early documents talked about Me. Most of the founding fathers of the country talked of My providence in bringing the people of this country together to form a new nation with the hope of freedom from the tyranny of evil men. Churches grew up in every city and men and women prayed. The first book printed by Congress was the Bible to be used as a reader in schools.

In just two centuries, you have fallen just as Israel fell. Your prosperity caused you to look to other gods and forget Me. I have sent prophets to you, but your churches are empty except for those who tell you what you want to hear. Those who agree with your perverted sense of justice and twist My words to please you.

So I will come soon and bring justice for the righteous. I will again bring peace and hope to My world. But this time, as prophecies have foretold, the new heaven and new earth will come from the purging of all evil. I will come again and the great battle will punish the evil one and all who follow him forever. My people will be brought to live with Me and will feast with Me through eternity.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.