Tag Archives: apostasy

Taking My Name in vain is more than just using bad words (1 Corintians 5), Mar 20, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – 1 Corinthians 5
Set – Psalms 69; 1 Corinthians 5
Go! – Joshua 7-8; Psalms 69; 1 Corinthians 5

1 Corinthians 5
1Because of my deep love for you, I must express my concern about the report brought to me regarding the lewd and immoral behavior exhibited in your community. This scandal has come to my attention because this kind of thing is unheard of even among the outsiders around us: I understand a man is having sexual relations with his father’s wife. 2 You have turned into an arrogant lot who refuse to see the tragedy right in front of your eyes and mourn for it. If you would face these hard realities, the one living in this sin would be removed from the community.

3 Despite the fact that I am not physically present with you, I am there in spirit and already have spoken judgment against the man who has engaged in this conduct. 4 When you gather in the name of the Lord Jesus and I am present with you in spirit, and the infinite power of our Lord Jesus is present also, 5 I direct you to release this man over to Satan so his rebellious nature will be destroyed and his spirit might be rescued in the day the Lord Jesus returns.

6 Your proud boasting in this matter is terrible. Don’t you understand that the tiniest infraction can bring about an unwelcome chain of events? That just a little yeast causes all the dough to rise? 7 Get rid of all the old yeast; then you’ll become new dough, just as you are already a people without sin’s leavening influence. You see, the Anointed One is our Passover lamb; He has been sacrificed for us. 8 So let the real feast begin. Get rid of all the old yeast, the yeast of hatred and evil. Throw it out so we can feast on the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

9 In the letter I wrote to you previously, I made it clear that you are not to band together with those who have embraced immoral lives. 10 Don’t misunderstand; I’m not telling you to hole up and hunker down from the rest of the world. That’s impossible. The world is filled with immoral people consumed by their desire for more; they steal from one another without hesitation and will worship man-made idols with no shame at all. If you attempted to avoid these people, you would have to leave the world itself. 11 What I was saying is that you should not associate with someone who calls himself a brother or sister but lives contrary to all we stand for: committing immoral sexual acts, consumed with desire for more, worshiping tangible lifeless things, using profanity, drinking into oblivion, swindling and cheating others. Do not even sit at the table with a person like this. 12 Why would I ever attempt to judge those outside the church? Aren’t we called to judge those within the church? 13 God judges the outsiders. Your job is this: “Expel the wicked from your own community.”

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

In the early days of the church, it wasn’t popular to become a member. You literally put your life on the line to join. As the church grew, though, Satan did what he does best an began to use his lies to infiltrate even the sacred halls of the church. Some leaders began to want the wealth of some of their members more than they wanted the pure character of Christlike behavior.

Consequently, some, the wealthy or friends of the wealthy, were given…allowances…in following what My new covenant required of them. Paul recognized the problem and met it head on. The church is My church, not the pastor’s, not the board’s or council’s, not man’s. It is Mine. I expect the church to live as I want it to live. I want it to be an example to the world around it. His letter condemned the members at Corinth for putting up with the apostasy in their congregation.

The same apostasy happens in many of the churches around the world today. The church has become big business instead of the place of redeeming grace I want it to be. James talks about how the rich are given comfortable seats while the poor are dismissed or moved to the back of the room. Members allow inequities and injustices because they fail to recognize the importance of living for Me instead of for themselves. Selfishness creeps into the body and the lies of Satan make them think the money or skills of some are so important allowances must be made for their behavior.

The truth is My church doesn’t need the money of the apostate. I need the repentance of those living in hypocrisy. I need their attention and their understanding they are far from the kingdom. Their sin keeps them separated from Me and unless forgiven, they will never see My face.

It’s time to clean up My church. Does that mean I don’t want you to reach out to the lost and bring them in? No, I want you witness to them. I want you to share my message with them. I want you to introduce them to Me. I don’t want them to parade around as My followers until they have given themselves to Me, though. It soils My Name and My Name means something to Me. In fact, calling yourself by My Name and behaving in a way contrary to My decrees violates the Third Commandment. It uses My Name in vain! It tarnishes My reputation to a lost world. There are severe consequences for those actions. Don’t be a part of it.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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